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TmLine ScoreRTBHE
CHA200 110 00151190
NYA000 101 20041783

Event Data for CHA NYA 1947-07-27-2

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PrevAfterBatterTmPlay EventRPitcher
Inning 1
1_____1F BakerCHAWALKJohnson
3_2132_T WrightCHADOUBLE1Johnson
532_321D PhilleyCHAWALKJohnson
6321_21B KennedyCHAOUT1Johnson
End of Inning 1: CHA 2 -- NYA 0
Inning 2
1_____1Mike TreshCHAERRORJohnson
3__1___L ApplingCHACAUGHT_SBJohnson
1_____1J DiMaggioNYAWALKLee
3_____1B JohnsonNYASINGLELee
End of Inning 2: CHA 2 -- NYA 0
Inning 3
3_____1Rudy YorkCHAERRORJohnson
1_____1A RobinsonNYAWALKLee
End of Inning 3: CHA 2 -- NYA 0
Inning 4
1_____1B KennedyCHASINGLEJohnson
1____2_D KollowayCHASTOLEN_BASEJohnson
33____1Mike TreshCHASINGLE1Johnson
2______J DiMaggioNYAHOME_RUN1Lee
4_____1B JohnsonNYAWALKLee
End of Inning 4: CHA 3 -- NYA 1
Inning 5
2_____1T WrightCHASINGLEJohnson
3__13_1Rudy YorkCHASINGLEJohnson
43_1_2_D PhilleyCHAOUT1Drews
End of Inning 5: CHA 4 -- NYA 1
Inning 6
2______J LindellNYAHOME_RUN1Lee
4_____1G McQuinnNYASINGLECaldwell
End of Inning 6: CHA 4 -- NYA 2
Inning 7
1_____1F BakerCHAWALKDrews
2_____1A RobinsonNYAWALKCaldwell
3__1___Yogi BerraNYAHOME_RUN2Caldwell
5_____1T HenrichNYAWALKCaldwell
6__1_21J LindellNYAWALKCaldwell
End of Inning 7: CHA 4 -- NYA 4
Inning 8
2_____1B KennedyCHASINGLEPage
3__13_1D KollowayCHASINGLEPage
33_1_2_Mike TreshCHACAUGHT_SBPage
4_2__21Mike TreshCHAWALKPage
5_21321C MichaelsCHAWALKPage
5321_21F BakerCHACAUGHT_SBPage
1_____1G McQuinnNYASINGLEPapish
2__1_21B JohnsonNYASINGLEPapish
End of Inning 8: CHA 4 -- NYA 4
Inning 9
2____2_L ApplingCHADOUBLEPage
3_2___1T WrightCHASINGLE1Page
1_____1S StirnweissNYASINGLEPapish
End of Inning 9: CHA 5 -- NYA 4
End of Game: CHA 5 -- NYA 4


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