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TmLine ScoreRTBHE
KCA300 000 8031430194
TOR300 100 310817120

Event Data for KCA TOR 1983-07-20

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PrevAfterBatterTmPlay EventRPitcher
Inning 1
2_____1U WashingtonKCASINGLEStieb
2__1_2_G BrettKCASTOLEN_BASEStieb
43____1Hal McRaeKCASINGLE1Stieb
5__1___W AikensKCAHOME_RUN2Stieb
6_____1P SheridanKCASINGLEStieb
6__1_2_J SimpsonKCAWILD_PITCHStieb
1_____1D GarciaTORSINGLESplittorff
2__1_21L MosebyTORSINGLESplittorff
2_213__Garth IorgTORSTOLEN_BASE1Splittorff
43___2_C JohnsonTORERROR1Splittorff
5_2__2_B BonnellTORSINGLE1Splittorff
End of Inning 1: KCA 3 -- TOR 3
Inning 2
1____2_D SlaughtKCADOUBLEStieb
1_____1B MartinezTORWALKSplittorff
3_____1D GarciaTORSINGLESplittorff
4__1_21L MosebyTORHIT_BY_PITCHSplittorff
5_21321Garth IorgTORSINGLESplittorff
End of Inning 2: KCA 3 -- TOR 3
Inning 3
2_____1Hal McRaeKCAWALKStieb
4__132_P SheridanKCADOUBLEStieb
532_321J SimpsonKCAI_WALKStieb
3_____1W UpshawTORSINGLESplittorff
End of Inning 3: KCA 3 -- TOR 3
Inning 4
3____2_L MosebyTORDOUBLESplittorff
4_2__2_Garth IorgTORSINGLE1Splittorff
5_2__21C JohnsonTORI_WALKSplittorff
End of Inning 4: KCA 3 -- TOR 4
Inning 5
1_____1G BrettKCAWALKStieb
3_____1B MartinezTORWALKSplittorff
End of Inning 5: KCA 3 -- TOR 4
Inning 6
3_____1O ConcepcionKCASINGLEStieb
End of Inning 6: KCA 3 -- TOR 4
Inning 7
1_____1U WashingtonKCASINGLEStieb
1____2_G BrettKCASTOLEN_BASEStieb
2_2__21G BrettKCAWALKStieb
4_21321W AikensKCAWALKMcLaughlin
53213_1P SheridanKCASINGLE2McLaughlin
63_1_21J SimpsonKCASINGLE1McLaughlin
6_2132_D SlaughtKCAWILD_PITCHMcLaughlin
732__2_D SlaughtKCADOUBLE2McLaughlin
8_2_3__O ConcepcionKCATRIPLE1Acker
9__1_2_U WashingtonKCASTOLEN_BASEAcker
10_2___1U WashingtonKCASINGLE1Acker
11__13_1G BrettKCASINGLEAcker
123_1_21Hal McRaeKCASINGLE1Acker
2____2_B BonnellTORDOUBLEArmstrong
3_2__21D CollinsTORERRORArmstrong
5_21___E WhittTORHOME_RUN3Armstrong
End of Inning 7: KCA 11 -- TOR 7
Inning 8
2_____1L MosebyTORWALKArmstrong
3__1_21R MulliniksTORWALKArmstrong
4_21_21C JohnsonTORSINGLE1Armstrong
5_21321Jorge OrtaTORERRORQuisenberry
End of Inning 8: KCA 11 -- TOR 8
Inning 9
2_____1C GeronimoKCAHIT_BY_PITCHMoffitt
3__13_1U WashingtonKCASINGLEMoffitt
43_1___Greg PryorKCAHOME_RUN3Moffitt
6_____1W AikensKCASINGLEMoffitt
7__1_21P SheridanKCASINGLEMoffitt
1_____1W UpshawTORSINGLEQuisenberry
End of Inning 9: KCA 14 -- TOR 8
End of Game: KCA 14 -- TOR 8


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