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DET Roster Relief 2024-08-16

Rank is based upon current year WAA ( 2nd column ). 2Yr column shows last two year WAA average added to player total. This goes to 0 as a season progresses.

-004- -4.340.00Kenta Maeda90.31
XXXXX 0.52-0.02Alex Faedo55.71
-186- -1.260.02Shelby Miller43.71
XXXXX 0.660.03Jason Foley44.01
XXXXX -0.310.00Beau Brieske42.72
+083+ 2.300.04Tyler Holton67.72
XXXXX 0.320Bryan Sammons18.72
XXXXX 1.070.01Will Vest52.72
-182- -1.29-0.03Joey Wentz50.03
XXXXX 0.32-0.00Brenan Hanifee7.75
XXXXX 0.140Brant Hurter8.06
TOTAL-1.870.05TIER= -0.92

2024 Relief Tiers for DET


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