Today is day 82 of the 1924 season
WAA column shows value accumulated playing for all teams including PHI this season.
Rank | WAA | Name | Pos |
+069+ | 1.29 | Johnny Mokan | OF-LF |
+071+ | 1.27 | Cy Williams | CF-OF |
XXXXX | 0.92 | Jimmy Ring | PITCH |
XXXXX | 0.37 | Jimmie Wilson | CR |
XXXXX | 0.26 | Heinie Sand | SS |
XXXXX | 0.22 | Joe Schultz | BAT |
XXXXX | 0.15 | Butch Henline | CR |
XXXXX | 0.09 | Johnny Couch | PITCH |
XXXXX | -0.04 | Cliff Lee | RF-OF |
XXXXX | -0.04 | Lew Wendell | CR |