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TmLine ScoreRTBHE
NYA000 100 0001650
MIN500 000 10612114

Event Data for NYA MIN 1922-10-01

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PrevAfterBatterTmPlay EventRPitcher
Inning 1
1____2_Joe JudgeMINDOUBLEJones
2_2___1B HarrisMINSINGLE1Jones
4_2___1G GoslinMINSINGLE1Jones
4__1_2_F BrowerMINSTOLEN_BASEJones
5_2__21F BrowerMINWALKJones
6_21321Pete LapanMINSINGLEJones
7321321R PeckinpaughMINWALK1Jones
8321_21B LaMotteMINSINGLE2Jones
8_2132_Cy WarmothMINPASSED_BALLJones
1032_321Joe JudgeMINWALKJones
End of Inning 1: NYA 0 -- MIN 5
Inning 2
3_____1F BrowerMINSINGLEJones
End of Inning 2: NYA 0 -- MIN 5
Inning 3
2_____1E ScottNYAWALKWarmoth
2_____1B LaMotteMINSINGLEJones
End of Inning 3: NYA 0 -- MIN 5
Inning 4
3___3__Wally PippNYADOUBLEWarmoth
43__3_1F HofmannNYAWALKWarmoth
53_132_Bob MeuselNYASINGLE1Warmoth
2_____1B HarrisMINSINGLEJones
3__1_21Sam RiceMINWALKJones
End of Inning 4: NYA 1 -- MIN 5
Inning 5
2_____1S Sam JonesNYASINGLEWarmoth
3__1_21W WittNYAWALKWarmoth
4_21321N McMillanNYAWALKWarmoth
End of Inning 5: NYA 1 -- MIN 5
Inning 6
2_____1Bob MeuselNYASINGLEWarmoth
End of Inning 6: NYA 1 -- MIN 5
Inning 7
2_____1W WittNYAERRORWarmoth
2_____1G GoslinMINSINGLEJones
3__13_1F BrowerMINSINGLEJones
43_1___Pete LapanMINDBL_PLAY1Jones
End of Inning 7: NYA 1 -- MIN 6
Inning 8
1____2_E SmithNYAERRORWarmoth
1_____1R PeckinpaughMINSINGLEJones
End of Inning 8: NYA 1 -- MIN 6
Inning 9
3_____1S Sam JonesNYASINGLEWarmoth
3__1_2_M McNallyNYADEF_INTWarmoth
4_2__21M McNallyNYAWALKWarmoth
4_2132_N McMillanNYADEF_INTWarmoth
End of Inning 9: NYA 1 -- MIN 6
End of Game: NYA 1 -- MIN 6


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