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TmLine ScoreRTBHE
NYA000 100 000 01641
MIN010 000 000 12971

Event Data for NYA MIN 1943-04-30

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PrevAfterBatterTmPlay EventRPitcher
Inning 1
1_____1S StirnweissNYAWALKLeonard
3_____1S SpenceMINERRORBorowy
End of Inning 1: NYA 0 -- MIN 0
Inning 2
1_____1M VernonMINSINGLEBorowy
3_2___1Jake EarlyMINSINGLE1Borowy
4__1_21J SullivanMINWALKBorowy
End of Inning 2: NYA 0 -- MIN 1
Inning 3
2_____1S SpenceMINSINGLEBorowy
End of Inning 3: NYA 0 -- MIN 1
Inning 4
2___3__C KellerNYATRIPLELeonard
33_____Joe GordonNYAOUT1Leonard
2_____1Jake EarlyMINHIT_BY_PITCHBorowy
End of Inning 4: NYA 1 -- MIN 1
Inning 5
1_____1B JohnsonNYAERRORLeonard
3_____1J LindellNYASINGLELeonard
1_____1E ClaryMINSINGLEBorowy
End of Inning 5: NYA 1 -- MIN 1
Inning 6
1_____1M VernonMINSINGLEBorowy
4_2__21J SullivanMINI_WALKBorowy
End of Inning 6: NYA 1 -- MIN 1
Inning 7
2_____1Nick EttenNYASINGLELeonard
End of Inning 7: NYA 1 -- MIN 1
Inning 8
2_____1H BorowyNYASINGLELeonard
End of Inning 8: NYA 1 -- MIN 1
Inning 10
1____2_E ClaryMINDOUBLEBorowy
3_2__21S SpenceMINI_WALKBorowy
4_2132_B JohnsonMINDOUBLE1Borowy
End of Inning 10: NYA 1 -- MIN 2
End of Game: NYA 1 -- MIN 2


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