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TmLine ScoreRTBHE
PIT010 000 50061082
CIN303 004 311428170

Event Data for PIT CIN 1950-04-29

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PrevAfterBatterTmPlay EventRPitcher
Inning 1
2_____1J HoppPITSINGLESmith
1_____1B AdamsCINWALKChesnes
2__1_21L MerrimanCINWALKChesnes
3_21_2_J WyrostekCINDOUBLE2Chesnes
53_____R NortheyCINOUT1McCall
End of Inning 1: PIT 0 -- CIN 3
Inning 2
1_____1W WestlakePITWALKSmith
2__1_21D MurtaughPITWALKSmith
532_321W McCallPITWALKSmith
6321321Ted BeardPITWALK1Smith
1_____1W CooperCINSINGLEMcCall
3__1_2_B AdamsCINPASSED_BALLMcCall
End of Inning 2: PIT 1 -- CIN 3
Inning 3
1_____1R KinerPITSINGLEErautt
1____2_L MerrimanCINDOUBLEMcCall
3_2___1T KluszewskiCINSINGLE1McCall
4__1_21R NortheyCINSINGLEMcCall
6_21_21W CooperCINSINGLE1McCall
7_21_21V StallcupCINSINGLE1McCall
End of Inning 3: PIT 1 -- CIN 6
Inning 4
1_____1B AdamsCINSINGLEMcCall
1____2_L MerrimanCINSTOLEN_BASEMcCall
End of Inning 4: PIT 1 -- CIN 6
Inning 5
3____2_W CooperCINDOUBLEMcCall
4_2__21V StallcupCINI_WALKMcCall
End of Inning 5: PIT 1 -- CIN 6
Inning 6
2_____1L MerrimanCINSINGLEMcCall
3__1_21J WyrostekCINWALKMcCall
4_21___T KluszewskiCINHOME_RUN3McCall
5______R NortheyCINHOME_RUN1McCall
6_____1G HattonCINWALKGumbert
6__1_2_W CooperCINSTOLEN_BASEGumbert
8_2__21V StallcupCINI_WALKGumbert
End of Inning 6: PIT 1 -- CIN 10
Inning 7
1_____1Stan RojekPITSINGLEErautt
2__1_21E TurnerPITSINGLEErautt
3_21321H GumbertPITSINGLEErautt
5321321D CooganPITSINGLE1Erautt
63213_1R KinerPITFORCE_OUT1Erautt
73_1321N FernandezPITWALKErautt
8321___W WestlakePITDOUBLE3Erautt
1_____1B AdamsCINSINGLEGumbert
2__1__1L MerrimanCINSINGLE1Gumbert
3__1_21J WyrostekCINERRORGumbert
532__2_R NortheyCINOUT1Gumbert
6_2__2_G HattonCINDOUBLE1Gumbert
End of Inning 7: PIT 6 -- CIN 13
Inning 8
2____2_Stan RojekPITDOUBLEErautt
3____2_B AdamsCINDOUBLEGregg
4_2__21L MerrimanCINWALKGregg
5_21_21J WyrostekCINSINGLE1Gregg
End of Inning 8: PIT 6 -- CIN 14
End of Game: PIT 6 -- CIN 14


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