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TmLine ScoreRTBHE
BAL100 010 00021161
OAK000 120 00315101

Event Data for BAL OAK 1950-08-31-2

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PrevAfterBatterTmPlay EventRPitcher
Inning 1
1______D LenhardtBALHOME_RUN1Hooper
2_____1P LehnerOAKSINGLEFannin
3__1_21F FainOAKSINGLEFannin
End of Inning 1: BAL 1 -- OAK 0
Inning 4
2____2_S LollarBALERRORHooper
3_2__21R ColemanBALWALKHooper
1____2_F FainOAKDOUBLEFannin
2_2_3_1S ChapmanOAKSINGLEFannin
33_1321Elmer ValoOAKWALKFannin
5321321K WahlOAKWALK1Fannin
End of Inning 4: BAL 1 -- OAK 1
Inning 5
1___3__Dick KokosBALTRIPLEHooper
23____1R SieversBALSINGLE1Hooper
1_____1Bob HooperOAKERRORFannin
4__13__F FainOAKTRIPLE1Fannin
53____1S ChapmanOAKSINGLE1Fannin
6__1_21Elmer ValoOAKSINGLEFannin
End of Inning 5: BAL 2 -- OAK 3
Inning 6
1_____1S LollarBALSINGLEHooper
1____2_K WahlOAKDOUBLEFannin
End of Inning 6: BAL 2 -- OAK 3
Inning 7
3_____1C FanninBALSINGLEHooper
1____2_P LehnerOAKDOUBLEFannin
2_2____S ChapmanOAKCAUGHT_SBFannin
End of Inning 7: BAL 2 -- OAK 3
Inning 8
3_____1K WahlOAKSINGLEFannin
End of Inning 8: BAL 2 -- OAK 3
Inning 9
1_____1J DelsingBALSINGLEHooper
End of Inning 9: BAL 2 -- OAK 3
End of Game: BAL 2 -- OAK 3


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