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TmLine ScoreRTBHE
OAK202 000 00371681
BOS010 000 020314110

Event Data for OAK BOS 1952-05-27

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PrevAfterBatterTmPlay EventRPitcher
Inning 1
1_____1E JoostOAKWALKScarborough
2__1_2_F FainOAKDOUBLE1Scarborough
43_____G ZernialOAKOUT1Scarborough
2_____1J PeskyBOSWALKByrd
3__1_21D LenhardtBOSWALKByrd
4_21321V StephensBOSSINGLEByrd
End of Inning 1: OAK 2 -- BOS 0
Inning 2
1_____1H MajeskiOAKHIT_BY_PITCHScarborough
1_____1B GoodmanBOSSINGLE_BUNTByrd
2__132_Walt DropoBOSDOUBLEByrd
432__2_R ScarboroughBOSOUT1Byrd
End of Inning 2: OAK 2 -- BOS 1
Inning 3
3_____1D PhilleyOAKSINGLEScarborough
4__1___G ZernialOAKHOME_RUN2Scarborough
End of Inning 3: OAK 4 -- BOS 1
Inning 4
2____2_S KellOAKDOUBLEScarborough
2_____1B GoodmanBOSSINGLEByrd
4__1_21S WhiteBOSSINGLEByrd
End of Inning 4: OAK 4 -- BOS 1
Inning 5
2_____1F FainOAKSINGLEHenry
End of Inning 5: OAK 4 -- BOS 1
Inning 6
2_____1C VollmerBOSWALKByrd
End of Inning 6: OAK 4 -- BOS 1
Inning 7
2_____1Harry ByrdOAKWALKHenry
3__1_2_B HitchcockOAKSTOLEN_BASEHenry
3_____1D DiMaggioBOSSINGLEByrd
End of Inning 7: OAK 4 -- BOS 1
Inning 8
3____2_Elmer ValoOAKDOUBLEHenry
3_____1C VollmerBOSSINGLEByrd
4__132_B GoodmanBOSDOUBLEByrd
532__2_Walt DropoBOSDOUBLE2Byrd
End of Inning 8: OAK 4 -- BOS 3
Inning 9
1____2_S KellOAKDOUBLEHenry
2_2__21Joe TiptonOAKWALKDelock
4321_2_E JoostOAKDOUBLE3Delock
7_2__21G ZernialOAKWALKDelock
7_2132_Elmer ValoOAKPASSED_BALLDelock
832_321Elmer ValoOAKWALKDelock
2_____1D DiMaggioBOSSINGLEByrd
3__1_21F HatfieldBOSSINGLEByrd
End of Inning 9: OAK 7 -- BOS 3
End of Game: OAK 7 -- BOS 3


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