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TmLine ScoreRTBHE
CLE000 200 00021060
BOS000 330 00618131

Event Data for CLE BOS 1955-07-27

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PrevAfterBatterTmPlay EventRPitcher
Inning 1
1_____1Al SmithCLEHIT_BY_PITCHBrewer
1_____1B GoodmanBOSSINGLEHoutteman
3__1_21T WilliamsBOSWALKHoutteman
4_21321J JensenBOSWALKHoutteman
End of Inning 1: CLE 0 -- BOS 0
Inning 2
1_____1Al RosenCLEWALKBrewer
1______R KinerCLECAUGHT_SBBrewer
2_____1R KinerCLEWALKBrewer
3__1_21F FainCLEWALKBrewer
End of Inning 2: CLE 0 -- BOS 0
Inning 3
1____2_B GoodmanBOSDOUBLEHoutteman
End of Inning 3: CLE 0 -- BOS 0
Inning 4
1______Vic WertzCLEHOME_RUN1Brewer
2____2_Al RosenCLEDOUBLEBrewer
4__13_1F FainCLESINGLEBrewer
6321_21Jim HeganCLESAC_OUT1Brewer
2_____1S WhiteBOSSINGLEHoutteman
3__1_21G HattonBOSSINGLEHoutteman
4_21___J PiersallBOSHOME_RUN3Houtteman
6_____1B GoodmanBOSWALKHoutteman
7__1_21B KlausBOSSINGLEHoutteman
End of Inning 4: CLE 2 -- BOS 3
Inning 5
3_____1S WhiteBOSHIT_BY_PITCHHoutteman
4__13_1G HattonBOSSINGLEHoutteman
53_13_1J PiersallBOSSINGLE1Houtteman
63_1_21Tom BrewerBOSSINGLE1Houtteman
7_213_1B GoodmanBOSSINGLE1Houtteman
End of Inning 5: CLE 2 -- BOS 6
Inning 6
3_____1F FainCLESINGLEBrewer
2____2_J JensenBOSDOUBLEFeller
End of Inning 6: CLE 2 -- BOS 6
Inning 7
3_____1J PiersallBOSWALKSantiago
End of Inning 7: CLE 2 -- BOS 6
Inning 8
1_____1B AvilaCLESINGLEBrewer
3__1__1R KinerCLEFOUL_BALL_ERRORBrewer
3_____1T WilliamsBOSSINGLESantiago
4__1_21J JensenBOSSINGLESantiago
End of Inning 8: CLE 2 -- BOS 6
Inning 9
3_____1H NaragonCLESINGLEBrewer
End of Inning 9: CLE 2 -- BOS 6
End of Game: CLE 2 -- BOS 6


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