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TmLine ScoreRTBHE
SFN200 010 303913100
PHI022 000 003718144

Event Data for SFN PHI 1956-04-22-2

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PrevAfterBatterTmPlay EventRPitcher
Inning 1
2_____1Al DarkSFNSINGLESimmons
3_____1D MuellerSFNSINGLESimmons
4__1_21W MaysSFNWALKSimmons
5_21321D SpencerSFNERRORSimmons
6321_21F CastlemanSFNSINGLE2Simmons
7_21321G HarrisSFNHIT_BY_PITCHSimmons
2_____1B MorganPHIWALKGomez
3__13_1G HamnerPHISINGLEGomez
End of Inning 1: SFN 2 -- PHI 0
Inning 2
2_____1W LockmanSFNSINGLESimmons
1_____1S LopataPHIWALKGomez
3__1_21J LonnettPHISINGLEGomez
4_21321C SimmonsPHISINGLEGomez
5321_21R AshburnPHISINGLE2Gomez
End of Inning 2: SFN 2 -- PHI 2
Inning 3
1_____1Del EnnisPHISINGLEGomez
3__1___S LopataPHIHOME_RUN2Gomez
End of Inning 3: SFN 2 -- PHI 4
Inning 4
3_____1B MorganPHISINGLEGomez
End of Inning 4: SFN 2 -- PHI 4
Inning 5
1_____1W LockmanSFNWALKSimmons
2__13_1Al DarkSFNSINGLESimmons
43_1__1W MaysSFNSAC_OUT1Simmons
End of Inning 5: SFN 3 -- PHI 4
Inning 6
1_____1T KazanskiPHISINGLEGomez
3__1_21C SimmonsPHISINGLEGomez
5_21321B MorganPHIWALKGomez
End of Inning 6: SFN 3 -- PHI 4
Inning 7
1_____1B HofmanSFNWALKSimmons
2__1_21W LockmanSFNSINGLESimmons
4_21_21D MuellerSFNSINGLE1Simmons
532_321W MaysSFNI_WALKMeyer
6321_21D SpencerSFNSINGLE2Meyer
1_____1Del EnnisPHISINGLEWilhelm
End of Inning 7: SFN 6 -- PHI 4
Inning 9
1_____1Al DarkSFNWALKMiller
2__13_1D MuellerSFNSINGLEMiller
33_1___W MaysSFNHOME_RUN3Miller
4_____1D SpencerSFNERRORMiller
6__1_21G HarrisSFNWALKMiller
3_____1Del EnnisPHISINGLEWilhelm
4__13_1J GreengrassPHISINGLEWilhelm
53_1321S LopataPHIWALKWilhelm
532132_T KazanskiPHIPASSED_BALL1Wilhelm
632___1T KazanskiPHISINGLE2Wilhelm
7__132_A SeminickPHIDOUBLEGrissom
End of Inning 9: SFN 9 -- PHI 7
End of Game: SFN 9 -- PHI 7


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