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TmLine ScoreRTBHE
DET200 050 00071080
OAK000 111 001415112

Event Data for DET OAK 1958-09-01-1

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PrevAfterBatterTmPlay EventRPitcher
Inning 1
1_____1J GrothDETWALKDavis
4_2___1G HarrisDETSINGLE1Davis
5__1_2_C MaxwellDETDOUBLE1Davis
1_____1Bob MartynOAKSINGLECicotte
End of Inning 1: DET 2 -- OAK 0
Inning 2
2____2_C LauDETSINGLEDavis
3_____1Hal SmithOAKWALKCicotte
3__1_2_H ChitiOAKPASSED_BALLCicotte
End of Inning 2: DET 2 -- OAK 0
Inning 3
1_____1Coot VealDETWALKDavis
3_____1Bob MartynOAKSINGLECicotte
3__1_2_W HerzogOAKWILD_PITCHCicotte
4_2__21W HerzogOAKWALKCicotte
End of Inning 3: DET 2 -- OAK 0
Inning 4
1_____1C MaxwellDETWALKDavis
1____2_R MarisOAKDOUBLECicotte
33_____Hal SmithOAKSAC_OUT1Cicotte
End of Inning 4: DET 2 -- OAK 1
Inning 5
2_____1J GrothDETSINGLEDavis
4_21_21Al KalineDETSINGLE1Davis
6_21321C MaxwellDETSINGLEDavis
7321_21F BollingDETSINGLE2Davis
8_21___B MartinDETDOUBLE2Craddock
2____2_H SimpsonOAKDOUBLECicotte
43____1W HerzogOAKSINGLE1Cicotte
End of Inning 5: DET 7 -- OAK 2
Inning 6
2_____1P WardOAKWALKCicotte
3__1_2_Hal SmithOAKDOUBLE1Cicotte
End of Inning 6: DET 7 -- OAK 3
Inning 7
1_____1B TuttleOAKSINGLECicotte
End of Inning 7: DET 7 -- OAK 3
Inning 8
3_____1B MartinDETWALKTomanek
1____2_R MarisOAKDOUBLECicotte
End of Inning 8: DET 7 -- OAK 3
Inning 9
1_____1F HouseOAKSINGLECicotte
3__13_1Bob MartynOAKSINGLECicotte
43_13__C CarrasquelOAKSINGLE1Hoeft
End of Inning 9: DET 7 -- OAK 4
End of Game: DET 7 -- OAK 4


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