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TmLine ScoreRTBHE
OAK000 000 08191170
MIN000 100 10021192

Event Data for OAK MIN 1961-06-14

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PrevAfterBatterTmPlay EventRPitcher
Inning 1
1_____1D HowserOAKWALKPascual
2_____1B MartinMINSINGLEArcher
4__132_Jim LemonMINDOUBLEArcher
End of Inning 1: OAK 0 -- MIN 0
Inning 2
2_____1Leo PosadaOAKWALKPascual
4__1_21R BertoiaOAKSINGLEPascual
2_____1L GreenMINSINGLEArcher
End of Inning 2: OAK 0 -- MIN 0
Inning 3
1_____1D HowserOAKSINGLEPascual
1____2_G StephensOAKSTOLEN_BASEPascual
2_2__21G StephensOAKWALKPascual
1_____1C PascualMINSINGLEArcher
3__1_21B MartinMINSINGLEArcher
End of Inning 3: OAK 0 -- MIN 0
Inning 4
2_____1B AllisonMINSINGLEArcher
3__1_2_E BatteyMINDOUBLE1Archer
5_2__21B TuttleMINI_WALKArcher
End of Inning 4: OAK 0 -- MIN 1
Inning 6
2_____1B AllisonMINWALKArcher
End of Inning 6: OAK 0 -- MIN 1
Inning 7
2_____1J PignatanoOAKWALKPascual
3__1_21R BertoiaOAKERRORPascual
1_____1B TuttleMINSINGLEWalker
2_2_3__J BecquerMINWILD_PITCHWalker
33____1J BecquerMINSINGLE1Walker
3__1___B MartinMINCAUGHT_SBWalker
End of Inning 7: OAK 0 -- MIN 2
Inning 8
1_____1G StephensOAKWALKPascual
2__1_21J LumpeOAKSINGLEPascual
4_21___N SiebernOAKHOME_RUN3Pascual
5_____1Leo PosadaOAKWALKPascual
6__1_21J PignatanoOAKWALKMoore
7_21321R BertoiaOAKWALKMoore
8321_21J WalkerOAKSINGLE2Pleis
9_21_21D HowserOAKSINGLE1Pleis
10_2132_G StephensOAKDOUBLE1Pleis
1132_3__J LumpeOAKOUT1Arrigo
End of Inning 8: OAK 8 -- MIN 2
Inning 9
2_____1Leo PosadaOAKWALKArrigo
3__13_1J PignatanoOAKERRORArrigo
43_1__1R BertoiaOAKSAC_OUT1Arrigo
End of Inning 9: OAK 9 -- MIN 2
End of Game: OAK 9 -- MIN 2


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