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TmLine ScoreRTBHE
ANA010 000 00011062
CLE011 002 0151360

Event Data for ANA CLE 1962-09-29-2

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PrevAfterBatterTmPlay EventRPitcher
Inning 1
1_____1A PearsonANASINGLEGrant
2_____1B MoranANASINGLEGrant
1_____1T AgeeCLESINGLEBowsfield
End of Inning 1: ANA 0 -- CLE 0
Inning 2
3______F TorresANAHOME_RUN1Grant
2_____1J KubiszynCLESINGLEBowsfield
3__1_2_J KindallCLEPASSED_BALLBowsfield
4_2__2_J KindallCLEDOUBLE1Bowsfield
End of Inning 2: ANA 1 -- CLE 1
Inning 3
3_____1Joe KoppeANASINGLEGrant
3______Walt BondCLEHOME_RUN1Botz
End of Inning 3: ANA 1 -- CLE 2
Inning 4
3_____1Leo BurkeANAWALKGrant
4__1_21F TorresANAWALKGrant
End of Inning 4: ANA 1 -- CLE 2
Inning 5
1_____1D SimpsonANAWALKGrant
End of Inning 5: ANA 1 -- CLE 2
Inning 6
2____2_Walt BondCLEERRORBotz
3_2_32_Hal JonesCLESINGLEBotz
532_3_1J KubiszynCLEERROR1Botz
53_1_2_Ty ClineCLEBALK1Botz
End of Inning 6: ANA 1 -- CLE 4
Inning 7
3____2_D SimpsonANADOUBLEGrant
4_2__21G ThomasANAWALKGrant
End of Inning 7: ANA 1 -- CLE 4
Inning 8
2______Walt BondCLEHOME_RUN1Navarro
4_____1Max AlvisCLEWALKNavarro
4__1_2_J KubiszynCLESTOLEN_BASENavarro
End of Inning 8: ANA 1 -- CLE 5
Inning 9
3_____1J FregosiANASINGLEGrant
End of Inning 9: ANA 1 -- CLE 5
End of Game: ANA 1 -- CLE 5


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