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TmLine ScoreRTBHE
WAS000 000 0000431
SLN000 000 011550

Event Data for WAS SLN 1969-09-05

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PrevAfterBatterTmPlay EventRPitcher
Inning 1
3____2_R StaubWASDOUBLEBriles
End of Inning 1: WAS 0 -- SLN 0
Inning 3
1_____1J JavierSLNSINGLEReed
End of Inning 3: WAS 0 -- SLN 0
Inning 4
2_____1R StaubWASSINGLEBriles
1_____1Lou BrockSLNWALKReed
End of Inning 4: WAS 0 -- SLN 0
Inning 5
3_____1Bobby WineWASSINGLEBriles
1_____1Joe TorreSLNSINGLEReed
3__1_21M ShannonSLNSINGLEReed
End of Inning 5: WAS 0 -- SLN 0
Inning 6
3_____1R StaubWASWALKBriles
3__1_2_Ron FairlyWASSTOLEN_BASEBriles
End of Inning 6: WAS 0 -- SLN 0
Inning 7
1_____1Mack JonesWASWALKBriles
2__1_21Coco LaboyWASHIT_BY_PITCHBriles
432_321Bobby WineWASI_WALKBriles
1_____1Curt FloodSLNSINGLEReed
End of Inning 7: WAS 0 -- SLN 0
Inning 8
1_____1M ShannonSLNWALKReed
2__1_2_J JavierSLNERROR1Reed
3_2_3_1D MaxvillSLNSINGLEReed
End of Inning 8: WAS 0 -- SLN 1
End of Game: WAS 0 -- SLN 1


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