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TmLine ScoreRTBHE
ANA000 000 0022653
KCA300 000 003761

Event Data for ANA KCA 1975-06-17

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PrevAfterBatterTmPlay EventRPitcher
Inning 1
3____2_B BochteANADOUBLEBusby
4_2__21Joe LahoudANAWALKBusby
1_____1V PinsonKCASINGLEFigueroa
2__1_21G BrettKCASINGLEFigueroa
43213_1J MayberryKCAFIELD_CHOICE2Figueroa
53_1__1Hal McRaeKCASAC_OUT1Figueroa
6__1_21T SolaitaKCAWALKFigueroa
73_132_C RojasKCASTOLEN_BASEFigueroa
End of Inning 1: ANA 0 -- KCA 3
Inning 2
2_____1V PinsonKCASINGLEFigueroa
3__132_G BrettKCADOUBLEFigueroa
432_321Amos OtisKCAWALKFigueroa
End of Inning 2: ANA 0 -- KCA 3
Inning 3
2_____1Fran HealyKCASINGLEFigueroa
2__1_2_C RojasKCASTOLEN_BASEFigueroa
4_2__21F PatekKCAWALKFigueroa
End of Inning 3: ANA 0 -- KCA 3
Inning 4
1____2_G BrettKCASINGLEFigueroa
End of Inning 4: ANA 0 -- KCA 3
Inning 5
2_____1E RodriguezANAWALKBusby
3__13__D CollinsANASINGLEBusby
End of Inning 5: ANA 0 -- KCA 3
Inning 6
1_____1Jerry RemyANASINGLEBusby
3_____1G BrettKCAWALKFigueroa
End of Inning 6: ANA 0 -- KCA 3
Inning 7
1_____1L StantonANAERRORBusby
2__1_2_E RodriguezANAWILD_PITCHBusby
3_2__21E RodriguezANAWALKBusby
End of Inning 7: ANA 0 -- KCA 3
Inning 9
1_____1Joe LahoudANAWALKBusby
2__1_21L StantonANASINGLEBusby
3_21_21Dave ChalkANASINGLE1Busby
532132_D CollinsANAOUT1Busby
End of Inning 9: ANA 2 -- KCA 3
End of Game: ANA 2 -- KCA 3


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