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TmLine ScoreRTBHE
KCA120 000 0003771
NYA001 000 0001331

Event Data for KCA NYA 1979-06-05

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PrevAfterBatterTmPlay EventRPitcher
Inning 1
1_____1W WilsonKCASINGLETiant
1______G BrettKCACAUGHT_SBTiant
3_____1Amos OtisKCAWALKTiant
3__1_2_D PorterKCASTOLEN_BASETiant
4_2___1D PorterKCASINGLE1Tiant
2_____1W RandolphNYASINGLEGura
End of Inning 1: KCA 1 -- NYA 0
Inning 2
1_____1P LaCockKCASINGLETiant
2__1_21Hal McRaeKCASINGLETiant
3_213_1F PatekKCASINGLE1Tiant
43_1__1U WashingtonKCASAC_OUT1Tiant
6_2__21G BrettKCAWALKTiant
End of Inning 2: KCA 3 -- NYA 0
Inning 3
2_____1Bucky DentNYAERRORGura
2__1_2_M RiversNYAWILD_PITCHGura
4_2__21W RandolphNYAWALKGura
5_213_1T MunsonNYASINGLE1Gura
End of Inning 3: KCA 3 -- NYA 1
Inning 4
3_____1U WashingtonKCASINGLETiant
3__1_2_W WilsonKCASTOLEN_BASETiant
End of Inning 4: KCA 3 -- NYA 1
Inning 5
3_____1D PorterKCAWALKTiant
3_____1M RiversNYASINGLEGura
End of Inning 5: KCA 3 -- NYA 1
Inning 6
1_____1P LaCockKCASINGLETiant
1_____1T MunsonNYAWALKGura
End of Inning 6: KCA 3 -- NYA 1
End of Game: KCA 3 -- NYA 1


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