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TmLine ScoreRTBHE
SDN000 000 0404991
CHN100 020 3061280

Event Data for SDN CHN 1986-07-22

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PrevAfterBatterTmPlay EventRPitcher
Inning 1
1_____1J MumphreyCHNWALKMcCullers
1____2_R SandbergCHNPASSED_BALLMcCullers
33_____G MatthewsCHNOUT1McCullers
End of Inning 1: SDN 0 -- CHN 1
Inning 2
3_____1Ron CeyCHNWALKMcCullers
4__132_S DunstonCHNDOUBLEMcCullers
End of Inning 2: SDN 0 -- CHN 1
Inning 3
1_____1M WynneSDNSINGLELynch
1_____1J MumphreyCHNSINGLEMcCullers
End of Inning 3: SDN 0 -- CHN 1
Inning 4
3_____1K McReynoldsSDNWALKLynch
1_____1K MorelandCHNWALKMcCullers
4_2__21S DunstonCHNI_WALKMcCullers
End of Inning 4: SDN 0 -- CHN 1
Inning 5
1_____1T KennedySDNSINGLELynch
2__1_21M WynneSDNWALKLynch
1____2_J MumphreyCHNDOUBLEMcCullers
2_2_3_1R SandbergCHNSINGLEMcCullers
33_1___G MatthewsCHNDBL_PLAY1McCullers
4_____1L DurhamCHNWALKMcCullers
4__1_2_K MorelandCHNSTOLEN_BASEMcCullers
5_2__21K MorelandCHNI_WALKMcCullers
6_21_21Jody DavisCHNSINGLE1McCullers
End of Inning 5: SDN 0 -- CHN 3
Inning 6
2_____1John KrukSDNSINGLELynch
End of Inning 6: SDN 0 -- CHN 3
Inning 7
2_____1G MatthewsCHNERRORMcCullers
3__1_2_L DurhamCHNDOUBLE1McCullers
4_2__2_K MorelandCHNDOUBLE1Stoddard
6_2___1Ron CeyCHNSINGLE1Stoddard
End of Inning 7: SDN 0 -- CHN 6
Inning 8
1_____1Dane IorgSDNSINGLELynch
2__1_21T FlannerySDNSINGLELynch
3_21_21Tony GwynnSDNSINGLE1Lynch
63_1_21J RoysterSDNSINGLE1DiPino
6_2132_B BochySDNPASSED_BALLDiPino
732___1B BochySDNSINGLE2DiPino
End of Inning 8: SDN 4 -- CHN 6
Inning 9
2_____1C MartinezSDNSINGLESmith
3__1_21T FlannerySDNWALKSmith
End of Inning 9: SDN 4 -- CHN 6
End of Game: SDN 4 -- CHN 6


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