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TmLine ScoreRTBHE
NYN002 001 01041481
HOU000 011 04615111

Event Data for NYN HOU 1991-06-10

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PrevAfterBatterTmPlay EventRPitcher
Inning 1
2_____1D MagadanNYNWALKJones
4_2__21K McReynoldsNYNWALKJones
5_21321H JohnsonNYNWALKJones
End of Inning 1: NYN 0 -- HOU 0
Inning 2
2_____1C O'BrienNYNWALKJones
1____2_E AnthonyHOUDOUBLEGooden
3_____1R RamirezHOUSINGLEGooden
3__1_2_E YeldingHOUSTOLEN_BASEGooden
End of Inning 2: NYN 0 -- HOU 0
Inning 3
1_____1D MagadanNYNWALKJones
2__132_G JefferiesNYNSINGLEJones
332_3__K McReynoldsNYNSAC_OUT1Jones
43___2_H JohnsonNYNDOUBLE1Jones
4_2____H BrooksNYNCAUGHT_SBJones
5_____1H BrooksNYNSINGLEJones
End of Inning 3: NYN 2 -- HOU 0
Inning 4
2____2_L GonzalezHOUDOUBLEGooden
3__1_2_J BagwellHOUSTOLEN_BASEGooden
End of Inning 4: NYN 2 -- HOU 0
Inning 5
3_____1K McReynoldsNYNWALKJones
1_____1R RamirezHOUSINGLEGooden
2__1_2_C CandaeleHOUSTOLEN_BASEGooden
43____1K OberkfellHOUSINGLE1Gooden
End of Inning 5: NYN 2 -- HOU 1
Inning 6
1______H BrooksNYNHOME_RUN1Clancy
3_____1C O'BrienNYNWALKClancy
3__1___D GoodenNYNCAUGHT_SBClancy
1____2_C BiggioHOUDOUBLEGooden
2_2_3_1L GonzalezHOUSINGLEGooden
33_1__1E AnthonyHOUSAC_OUT1Gooden
3__1_2_J BagwellHOUSTOLEN_BASEGooden
4_2__21J BagwellHOUERRORGooden
4_21__1R RamirezHOUCAUGHT_SBGooden
End of Inning 6: NYN 3 -- HOU 2
Inning 8
2____2_H JohnsonNYNDOUBLESchilling
3_2__2_H BrooksNYNDOUBLE1Schilling
1_____1S FinleyHOUSINGLEFranco
2__13_1C BiggioHOUSINGLEFranco
33_1321M DavidsonHOUWALKFranco
532132_J BagwellHOUDOUBLE2Franco
632____R RamirezHOUSINGLE2Franco
End of Inning 8: NYN 4 -- HOU 6
Inning 9
2_____1V ColemanNYNSINGLEOsuna
3__1_21D MagadanNYNSINGLEOsuna
End of Inning 9: NYN 4 -- HOU 6
End of Game: NYN 4 -- HOU 6


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