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TmLine ScoreRTBHE
MIN202 010 00051081
KCA142 110 00922160

Event Data for MIN KCA 1994-07-31

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PrevAfterBatterTmPlay EventRPitcher
Inning 1
1_____1C KnoblauchMINWALKGordon
2__1_21Alex ColeMINWALKGordon
4_2132_Shane MackMINSTOLEN_BASEGordon
532__2_Shane MackMINDOUBLE2Gordon
2_____1V ColemanKCAWALKDeshaies
2__1_2_W JoynerKCASTOLEN_BASEDeshaies
3_2___1W JoynerKCASINGLE1Deshaies
End of Inning 1: MIN 2 -- KCA 1
Inning 2
1_____1Felix JoseKCASINGLEDeshaies
2__1_2_B HamelinKCADOUBLE1Deshaies
3_2__2_G GaettiKCADOUBLE1Deshaies
53___2_D HowardKCADOUBLE1Deshaies
73____1V ColemanKCASINGLE1Deshaies
End of Inning 2: MIN 2 -- KCA 5
Inning 3
1_____1C KnoblauchMINSINGLEGordon
2__13_1Alex ColeMINSINGLEGordon
43_13_1Kent HrbekMINSINGLE1Gordon
53_1__1Shane MackMINFORCE_OUT1Gordon
1_____1M MacfarlaneKCAHIT_BY_PITCHTrombley
2__13__Felix JoseKCADOUBLE1Trombley
33_____B HamelinKCAOUT1Trombley
4_____1G GaettiKCASINGLETrombley
End of Inning 3: MIN 4 -- KCA 7
Inning 4
1____2_B McRaeKCADOUBLETrombley
2_2___1V ColemanKCASINGLE1Trombley
2__1_2_W JoynerKCASTOLEN_BASETrombley
End of Inning 4: MIN 4 -- KCA 8
Inning 5
1_____1C KnoblauchMINWALKGordon
2__1_21Alex ColeMINWALKGordon
2_2132_K PuckettMINSTOLEN_BASEGordon
4_2__2_Kent HrbekMINDOUBLE1Gordon
5_2_3_1Shane MackMINSINGLEGordon
1_____1B HamelinKCAWALKCampbell
2__1_21G GaettiKCASINGLECampbell
432__2_D HowardKCASAC_OUT1Campbell
End of Inning 5: MIN 5 -- KCA 9
Inning 6
1_____1V ColemanKCAERRORCampbell
1____2_W JoynerKCASTOLEN_BASECampbell
2_____1W JoynerKCASINGLECampbell
3__132_M MacfarlaneKCADOUBLECampbell
532_321B HamelinKCAWALKCampbell
End of Inning 6: MIN 5 -- KCA 9
Inning 7
2_____1Alex ColeMINSINGLEMeacham
3__1_21K PuckettMINHIT_BY_PITCHMeacham
1_____1Jose LindKCASINGLESchullstrom
1____2_D HowardKCASTOLEN_BASESchullstrom
2_2__21D HowardKCAWALKSchullstrom
End of Inning 7: MIN 5 -- KCA 9
Inning 8
1_____1M MacfarlaneKCASINGLESchullstrom
4__1_21G GaettiKCASINGLESchullstrom
End of Inning 8: MIN 5 -- KCA 9
Inning 9
2_____1C KnoblauchMINSINGLEPichardo
End of Inning 9: MIN 5 -- KCA 9
End of Game: MIN 5 -- KCA 9


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