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TmLine ScoreRTBHE
TOR022 130 010927150
MIN000 003 0003973

Event Data for TOR MIN 1999-04-07

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PrevAfterBatterTmPlay EventRPitcher
Inning 1
3_____1S GreenTORSINGLELincoln
End of Inning 1: TOR 0 -- MIN 0
Inning 2
2_____1T FernandezTORSINGLELincoln
3__1_21Jose CruzTORERRORLincoln
4_2132_D FletcherTORDOUBLE1Lincoln
532_321A GonzalezTORWALKLincoln
6321321S StewartTORSINGLE1Lincoln
End of Inning 2: TOR 2 -- MIN 0
Inning 3
2______C DelgadoTORHOME_RUN1Lincoln
3______T FernandezTORHOME_RUN1Lincoln
4_____1Jose CruzTORWALKLincoln
4__1___D FletcherTORCAUGHT_SBLincoln
1_____1Chad AllenMINSINGLEWells
2_2132_C GuzmanMINSTOLEN_BASEWells
532_321B GatesMINWALKWells
End of Inning 3: TOR 4 -- MIN 0
Inning 4
2_____1S StewartTORWALKLincoln
3__1_2_Homer BushTORDOUBLE1Lincoln
5_2__21D HollinsTORWALKWells
1_____1Ron CoomerMINSINGLEWells
End of Inning 4: TOR 5 -- MIN 0
Inning 5
1_____1T FernandezTORERRORWells
3__13_1D FletcherTORSINGLEWells
53_1___S StewartTORHOME_RUN3Wells
6_____1Homer BushTORSINGLEWells
2____2_C GuzmanMINDOUBLEWells
End of Inning 5: TOR 8 -- MIN 0
Inning 6
1____2_D HollinsTORDOUBLESampson
3_2__21T FernandezTORWALKSampson
1_____1T WalkerMINSINGLEWells
3__1_21M CordovaMINSINGLEWells
4_21_2_M LawtonMINDOUBLE2Wells
6_2___1J ValentinMINSINGLE1Wells
End of Inning 6: TOR 8 -- MIN 3
Inning 7
2_____1S StewartTORSINGLEPerkins
2__1_2_Homer BushTORSTOLEN_BASEPerkins
3_2_3_1Homer BushTORSINGLEPerkins
End of Inning 7: TOR 8 -- MIN 3
Inning 8
1_____1C DelgadoTORWALKPerkins
2__1_21T FernandezTORSINGLEPerkins
3_21321Jose CruzTORSINGLEPerkins
4321__1D FletcherTORDBL_PLAY1Perkins
2_____1M CordovaMINWALKHalladay
End of Inning 8: TOR 9 -- MIN 3
Inning 9
2_____1Homer BushTORERRORMays
End of Inning 9: TOR 9 -- MIN 3
End of Game: TOR 9 -- MIN 3


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