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TmLine ScoreRTBHE
KCA001 000 1024840
BAL000 000 00001071

Event Data for KCA BAL 2003-05-04

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PrevAfterBatterTmPlay EventRPitcher
Inning 1
3_____1M SweeneyKCAERRORDuBose
2____2_M MoraBALDOUBLEGeorge
3_2___1D SeguiBALWALKGeorge
End of Inning 1: KCA 0 -- BAL 0
Inning 2
2_____1T BatistaBALSINGLEGeorge
3__13_1B FordyceBALSINGLEGeorge
End of Inning 2: KCA 0 -- BAL 0
Inning 3
3______M DiFeliceKCAHOME_RUN1DuBose
End of Inning 3: KCA 1 -- BAL 0
Inning 4
3____2_J GibbonsBALDOUBLEGeorge
End of Inning 4: KCA 1 -- BAL 0
Inning 6
1_____1C FeblesKCASINGLEDuBose
2__1_2_M TuckerKCASTOLEN_BASEDuBose
1_____1J HairstonBALWALKGeorge
2__1_21M MoraBALSINGLEGeorge
4_21321J ConineBALSINGLEGrimsley
End of Inning 6: KCA 1 -- BAL 0
Inning 7
1_____1M SweeneyKCASINGLEDuBose
3_2__21D RelafordKCAWALKDuBose
4_21321B BergerKCAWALKDuBose
5321321A BerroaKCAHIT_BY_PITCH1Roberts
End of Inning 7: KCA 2 -- BAL 0
Inning 8
3_____1Joe RandaKCAWALKRoberts
End of Inning 8: KCA 2 -- BAL 0
Inning 9
1_____1R IbanezKCAWALKRyan
2__1_21D RelafordKCAWALKRyan
532__2_C FeblesKCADOUBLE2Ligtenberg
2____2_J GibbonsBALDOUBLECarrasco
End of Inning 9: KCA 4 -- BAL 0
End of Game: KCA 4 -- BAL 0


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