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TmLine ScoreRTBHE
KCA000 000 0000530
DET011 202 00614112

Event Data for KCA DET 2006-07-15

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PrevAfterBatterTmPlay EventRPitcher
Inning 1
2_____1T GraffaninoKCAWALKVerlander
3____2_I RodriguezDETDOUBLEGobble
End of Inning 1: KCA 0 -- DET 0
Inning 2
2____2_Emil BrownKCADOUBLEVerlander
3_2__21M TeahenKCAWALKVerlander
1_____1O InfanteDETSINGLEGobble
4__1_21C SheltonDETWALKGobble
5_2132_B IngeDETDOUBLE1Gobble
End of Inning 2: KCA 0 -- DET 1
Inning 3
3_____1T GraffaninoKCASINGLEVerlander
2_____1I RodriguezDETSINGLEGobble
3__1_21M OrdonezDETSINGLEGobble
5_21_21M ThamesDETSINGLE1Gobble
End of Inning 3: KCA 0 -- DET 2
Inning 4
1_____1C SheltonDETSINGLEGobble
2__1_21B IngeDETWALKGobble
432__2_P PolancoDETDOUBLE2Gobble
End of Inning 4: KCA 0 -- DET 4
Inning 6
1_____1C SheltonDETWALKSisco
2__1_21B IngeDETWALKSisco
432_3__P PolancoDETSAC_OUT1Sisco
53____1I RodriguezDETSINGLE1Sisco
End of Inning 6: KCA 0 -- DET 6
Inning 7
2_____1M StairsKCAC?Verlander
4__13_1M TeahenKCAERRORVerlander
1_____1O InfanteDETSINGLEPeralta
End of Inning 7: KCA 0 -- DET 6
Inning 8
2_____1C GrandersonDETSINGLEMacDougal
End of Inning 8: KCA 0 -- DET 6
Inning 9
3____2_P PhillipsKCADOUBLEWalker
End of Inning 9: KCA 0 -- DET 6
End of Game: KCA 0 -- DET 6


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