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TmLine ScoreRTBHE
DET002 400 000616122
KCA135 013 001317121

Event Data for DET KCA 2011-07-09

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PrevAfterBatterTmPlay EventRPitcher
Inning 1
2_____1M CabreraKCAWALKFurbush
3__1_21A GordonKCASINGLEFurbush
4_21321B ButlerKCASINGLEFurbush
53213_1E HosmerKCAFORCE_OUT1Furbush
End of Inning 1: DET 0 -- KCA 1
Inning 2
2____2_V MartinezDETDOUBLEHochevar
1_____1W BetemitKCASINGLEFurbush
2__13_1M TreanorKCASINGLEFurbush
33_1__1A EscobarKCAFORCE_OUT1Furbush
3__1_2_Chris GetzKCASTOLEN_BASEFurbush
4_2_3_1Chris GetzKCASINGLEFurbush
53_132_A GordonKCASTOLEN_BASEFurbush
632_321A GordonKCAHIT_BY_PITCHFurbush
7321_21B ButlerKCASINGLE2Furbush
End of Inning 2: DET 0 -- KCA 4
Inning 3
1____2_R RaburnDETDOUBLEHochevar
3_2_3_1Andy DirksDETSINGLEHochevar
53_13_1B BoeschDETSINGLE1Hochevar
63_1_21M CabreraDETSINGLE1Hochevar
3_____1M TreanorKCAWALKFurbush
3__1_2_A EscobarKCASTOLEN_BASEFurbush
4_2_3_1A EscobarKCAERRORFurbush
53_13_1Chris GetzKCASINGLE1Furbush
63_1_21M CabreraKCASINGLE1Furbush
7_21___A GordonKCAHOME_RUN3Furbush
End of Inning 3: DET 2 -- KCA 9
Inning 4
1_____1Don KellyDETSINGLEHochevar
2__132_Alex AvilaDETDOUBLEHochevar
332_321R RaburnDETWALKHochevar
5321_21Andy DirksDETOUT1Hochevar
6_213_1R SantiagoDETSINGLE1Hochevar
73_1_21B BoeschDETSINGLE1Hochevar
8_21321M CabreraDETWALKHochevar
9321321V MartinezDETWALK1Hochevar
End of Inning 4: DET 6 -- KCA 9
Inning 5
2____2_R RaburnDETDOUBLEHolland
3_2_3__Andy DirksDETWILD_PITCHHolland
2_____1A EscobarKCAWALKWilk
3__1_21Chris GetzKCAWALKWilk
4_21_2_M CabreraKCASINGLE1Wilk
End of Inning 5: DET 6 -- KCA 10
Inning 6
2_____1B BoeschDETSINGLEHolland
1_____1B ButlerKCASINGLEWilk
3_2_3_1J FrancoeurKCAERRORPerry
33_132_W BetemitKCAWILD_PITCHPerry
432_321W BetemitKCAI_WALKPerry
53213_1M TreanorKCASAC_OUT1Perry
63_13__A EscobarKCATRIPLE2Perry
End of Inning 6: DET 6 -- KCA 13
Inning 8
2_____1C WellsDETSINGLETeaford
End of Inning 8: DET 6 -- KCA 13
End of Game: DET 6 -- KCA 13


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