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TmLine ScoreRTBHE
SDN410 000 00051060
PIT001 900 101126152

Event Data for SDN PIT 2012-08-12

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PrevAfterBatterTmPlay EventRPitcher
Inning 1
1______C DenorfiaSDNHOME_RUN1Bedard
2_____1L ForsytheSDNWALKBedard
4__1_21C QuentinSDNHIT_BY_PITCHBedard
5_21_21J GuzmanSDNSINGLE1Bedard
6_213__C MaybinSDNERROR2Bedard
83__3_1N HundleySDNI_WALKBedard
2_____1N WalkerPITSINGLEOhlendorf
End of Inning 1: SDN 4 -- PIT 0
Inning 2
2____2_L ForsytheSDNDOUBLEBedard
3_2____C HeadleySDNOUT1Bedard
End of Inning 2: SDN 5 -- PIT 0
Inning 3
1_____1J GuzmanSDNSINGLEBedard
2____2_E BedardPITDOUBLEOhlendorf
4_2___1N WalkerPITSINGLE1Ohlendorf
End of Inning 3: SDN 5 -- PIT 1
Inning 4
3_____1C DenorfiaSDNWALKBedard
4__1_21L ForsytheSDNSINGLEBedard
5_21321C HeadleySDNERRORBedard
1_____1G JonesPITWALKOhlendorf
2__1_21G SanchezPITSINGLEOhlendorf
3_21321P AlvarezPITSINGLEOhlendorf
4321321M McKenryPITWALK1Ohlendorf
5321___C BarmesPITHOME_RUN4Ohlendorf
6_____1E BedardPITWALKOhlendorf
8__1_21N WalkerPITSINGLEBurns
9_21_2_A McCutchenPITDOUBLE2Burns
10_2_3__G JonesPITTRIPLE1Burns
113__3_1G SanchezPITWALKBurns
133_1_21M McKenryPITSINGLE1Burns
End of Inning 4: SDN 5 -- PIT 10
Inning 5
1_____1J GuzmanSDNWALKBedard
2_____1S MartePITWALKBurns
3__132_N WalkerPITDOUBLEBurns
End of Inning 5: SDN 5 -- PIT 10
Inning 6
3_____1M McKenryPITHIT_BY_PITCHMikolas
4__1_21C BarmesPITSINGLEMikolas
5_21321T SniderPITWALKMikolas
End of Inning 6: SDN 5 -- PIT 10
Inning 7
1______N WalkerPITHOME_RUN1Boxberger
2_____1A McCutchenPITSINGLEBoxberger
4__1_21G SanchezPITWALKBoxberger
End of Inning 7: SDN 5 -- PIT 11
Inning 8
1_____1C MaybinSDNSINGLECruz
3_____1S MartePITSINGLEHinshaw
4__1_21N WalkerPITWALKHinshaw
End of Inning 8: SDN 5 -- PIT 11
Inning 9
2_____1L ForsytheSDNWALKHanrahan
End of Inning 9: SDN 5 -- PIT 11
End of Game: SDN 5 -- PIT 11


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