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TmLine ScoreRTBHE
NYA001 100 00021272
WAS030 220 11927135

Event Data for NYA WAS 2020-07-25

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PrevAfterBatterTmPlay EventRPitcher
Inning 1
1_____1D LeMahieuNYAERRORFedde
3___3__S CastroWASTRIPLEPaxton
End of Inning 1: NYA 0 -- WAS 0
Inning 2
1_____1A CabreraWASSINGLEPaxton
2__1_21K SuzukiWASSINGLEPaxton
3_21321C KieboomWASSINGLEPaxton
432132_V RoblesWASDOUBLE2Paxton
532_321M A. TaylorWASWALKPaxton
63213__T TurnerWASDBL_PLAY1King
End of Inning 2: NYA 0 -- WAS 3
Inning 3
1____2_G UrshelaNYAERRORFedde
33____1D LeMahieuNYASINGLE1Fedde
End of Inning 3: NYA 1 -- WAS 3
Inning 4
1______G StantonNYAHOME_RUN1Fedde
2_____1A HicksNYASINGLEFedde
5__132_G UrshelaNYADOUBLEFedde
632_321B GardnerNYAWALKFedde
1_____1K SuzukiWASSINGLEKing
3__1___V RoblesWASHOME_RUN2King
End of Inning 4: NYA 2 -- WAS 5
Inning 5
3_____1G StantonNYAWALKRainey
1_____1Adam EatonWASSINGLEKing
33___2_H KendrickWASDOUBLE1King
4_2__2_A CabreraWASDOUBLE1Holder
End of Inning 5: NYA 2 -- WAS 7
Inning 6
1_____1V RoblesWASSINGLEHolder
4__1_21Adam EatonWASERRORHolder
End of Inning 6: NYA 2 -- WAS 7
Inning 7
2_____1T EstradaNYASINGLEHarper
2__1_2_A JudgeNYAWILD_PITCHHarper
2______A CabreraWASHOME_RUN1Heller
End of Inning 7: NYA 2 -- WAS 8
Inning 8
1____2_G StantonNYADOUBLEBourque
2______M A. TaylorWASHOME_RUN1Avilan
End of Inning 8: NYA 2 -- WAS 9
Inning 9
2_____1B GardnerNYAERRORFinnegan
3__1_21Mike FordNYASINGLEFinnegan
End of Inning 9: NYA 2 -- WAS 9
End of Game: NYA 2 -- WAS 9


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