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2024-08-11 12:40 MIA Lineup

Rank is based upon current year WAA ( 2nd column ). 2Yr column shows last two year WAA average added to player total. This goes to 0 as a season progresses.

XXXXX-0.47-0.02Xavier EdwardsSSS160
XXXXX0.320.08Jake BurgerR3B397
XXXXX-0.84-0.02Jesus SanchezLRF380
XXXXX0.18-0.10Jonah BrideR1B91
XXXXX-0.39-0.02Kyle StowersLLF73
XXXXX-1.170Otto LopezR2B257
-145--1.46-0.03Vidal BrujanSCF239
XXXXX0.80-0.06Derek HillRDH79
XXXXX-0.970Ali SanchezRC65
TOTAL-4.00-0.17TIER= -1.04


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