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TmLine ScoreRTBHE
MIN000 001 0001540
CLE202 120 10819143

Event Data for MIN CLE 1926-09-11-1

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PrevAfterBatterTmPlay EventRPitcher
Inning 1
1_____1C JamiesonCLEWALKJohnson
3_2____T SpeakerCLEHOME_RUN2Johnson
5____2_Joe SewellCLEDOUBLEJohnson
End of Inning 1: MIN 0 -- CLE 2
Inning 2
2_____1Joe JudgeMINWALKUhle
532_321B ReevesMINWALKUhle
3_____1G UhleCLESINGLEJohnson
4__1_21C JamiesonCLESINGLEJohnson
End of Inning 2: MIN 0 -- CLE 2
Inning 3
3_____1G GoslinMINWALKUhle
1____2_T SpeakerCLEDOUBLEJohnson
3_2__2_Joe SewellCLESINGLE1Johnson
4_2____H SummaCLESINGLE1Johnson
End of Inning 3: MIN 0 -- CLE 4
Inning 4
1____2_Joe JudgeMINDOUBLEUhle
2_2__21B HarrisMINWALKUhle
2_2132_B TateMINWILD_PITCHUhle
332____B TateMINTRIPLE_PLAY!!!Uhle
1_____1R LutzkeCLESINGLEJohnson
43____1F SpurgeonCLESINGLE1Johnson
End of Inning 4: MIN 0 -- CLE 5
Inning 5
3_____1E McNeelyMINSINGLEUhle
1_____1G BurnsCLEWALKThomas
2__1__1Joe SewellCLESINGLE1Thomas
3__1_21H SummaCLEWALKThomas
4_21321L SewellCLEWALKThomas
532132_R LutzkeCLESAC_OUT1Thomas
732_321C JamiesonCLEWALKThomas
End of Inning 5: MIN 0 -- CLE 7
Inning 6
2_____1Buddy MyerMINSINGLEUhle
3__1_21Joe JudgeMINWALKUhle
4_213_1B HarrisMINERROR1Uhle
53_1321B TateMINWALKUhle
End of Inning 6: MIN 1 -- CLE 7
Inning 7
2_____1Sam RiceMINSINGLEUhle
1_____1H SummaCLESINGLEJones
3_2__21R LutzkeCLEWALKJones
53_1_21C JamiesonCLESINGLE1Jones
End of Inning 7: MIN 1 -- CLE 8
Inning 8
2_____1B HarrisMINERRORUhle
1_____1T SpeakerCLESINGLEJones
End of Inning 8: MIN 1 -- CLE 8
Inning 9
1_____1Dick JonesMINWALKUhle
End of Inning 9: MIN 1 -- CLE 8
End of Game: MIN 1 -- CLE 8


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