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TmLine ScoreRTBHE
MIN401 000 10061281
DET003 000 00031084

Event Data for MIN DET 1929-05-09

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PrevAfterBatterTmPlay EventRPitcher
Inning 1
1____2_Buddy MyerMINDOUBLEBarnes
3_2___1G GoslinMINSINGLE1Barnes
3__1_2_C GoochMINSTOLEN_BASEBarnes
5_2___1O BluegeMINSINGLE1Barnes
6__132_Sam WestMINSINGLEBarnes
732____Joe CroninMINSINGLE2Barnes
1____2_R JohnsonDETDOUBLELiska
2_2__21Harry RiceDETWALKLiska
332_321C GehringerDETWALKLiska
End of Inning 1: MIN 4 -- DET 0
Inning 2
3_____1Buddy MyerMINWALKStoner
End of Inning 2: MIN 4 -- DET 0
Inning 3
1______G GoslinMINHOME_RUN1Stoner
2_____1Joe JudgeMINWALKStoner
1_____1R JohnsonDETWALKLiska
3__1_21C GehringerDETWALKLiska
4_21321H HeilmannDETSINGLELiska
532132_D AlexanderDETOUT1Liska
632___1M McManusDETSINGLE2Liska
End of Inning 3: MIN 5 -- DET 3
Inning 5
3_____1H HeilmannDETSINGLELiska
End of Inning 5: MIN 5 -- DET 3
Inning 6
1____2_O BluegeMINERRORSmith
3_2__21Joe CroninMINWALKSmith
1_____1M McManusDETSINGLELiska
End of Inning 6: MIN 5 -- DET 3
Inning 7
1_____1Ad LiskaMINWALKSmith
2__132_Buddy MyerMINSINGLESmith
332_321Sam RiceMINWALKSmith
432132_G GoslinMINFIELD_CHOICE1Smith
532_321Joe JudgeMINWALKSmith
1_____1B FothergillDETSINGLELiska
3__1_21Harry RiceDETWALKLiska
End of Inning 7: MIN 6 -- DET 3
Inning 8
2_____1Muddy RuelMINWALKYde
3__1_21F MarberryMINSINGLEYde
3_____1M McManusDETSINGLEMarberry
End of Inning 8: MIN 6 -- DET 3
Inning 9
1_____1G GoslinMINERRORYde
1____2_H SchubleDETDOUBLEMarberry
End of Inning 9: MIN 6 -- DET 3
End of Game: MIN 6 -- DET 3


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