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TmLine ScoreRTBHE
CLE000 000 0000980
OAK100 301 1171390

Event Data for CLE OAK 1930-08-12-2

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PrevAfterBatterTmPlay EventRPitcher
Inning 1
1____2_E MontagueCLEDOUBLEShores
2_2__21D PorterCLEWALKShores
1_____1Max BishopOAKSINGLEBrown
43____1Al SimmonsOAKSINGLE1Brown
End of Inning 1: CLE 0 -- OAK 1
Inning 2
2_____1Joe SewellCLESINGLEShores
End of Inning 2: CLE 0 -- OAK 1
Inning 3
1_____1C BrownCLESINGLEShores
2__1_21E MontagueCLESINGLE_BUNTShores
432_321E AverillCLEWALKShores
End of Inning 3: CLE 0 -- OAK 1
Inning 4
2_____1C JamiesonCLEWALKShores
2__1___Joe SewellCLECAUGHT_SBShores
1_____1M CochraneOAKSINGLEBrown
3__132_J FoxxOAKDOUBLEBrown
432_321B MillerOAKI_WALKBrown
532132_J DykesOAKDOUBLE2Brown
632_3__Joe BoleyOAKOUT1Brown
End of Inning 4: CLE 0 -- OAK 4
Inning 5
2_____1C BrownCLESINGLEShores
3__1_21E MontagueCLESINGLEShores
2_____1Mule HaasOAKSINGLEBrown
End of Inning 5: CLE 0 -- OAK 4
Inning 6
1_____1Ed MorganCLEWALKShores
4__13_1Joe SewellCLESINGLEShores
1____2_J FoxxOAKDOUBLEBrown
33____1J DykesOAKFIELD_CHOICE1Brown
End of Inning 6: CLE 0 -- OAK 5
Inning 7
1_____1C BrownCLESINGLEShores
1____2_Max BishopOAKDOUBLEBrown
33_____M CochraneOAKOUT1Brown
End of Inning 7: CLE 0 -- OAK 6
Inning 8
1_____1J FoxxOAKWALKBrown
4_2___1Joe BoleyOAKSINGLE1Brown
End of Inning 8: CLE 0 -- OAK 7
Inning 9
3_____1C BrownCLEWALKShores
End of Inning 9: CLE 0 -- OAK 7
End of Game: CLE 0 -- OAK 7


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