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TmLine ScoreRTBHE
OAK000 000 0000440
NYA300 000 0031080

Event Data for OAK NYA 1936-08-09-2

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PrevAfterBatterTmPlay EventRPitcher
Inning 1
1_____1Lou FinneyOAKSINGLEPearson
2__1_21W MosesOAKWALKPearson
2_21_2_C DeanOAKCAUGHT_SBPearson
3_2__21C DeanOAKWALKPearson
1_____1F CrosettiNYAWALKRhodes
2__1_21R JohnsonNYAWALKRhodes
3_21321J DiMaggioNYASINGLERhodes
43213__Lou GehrigNYATRIPLE3Rhodes
6_____1G SelkirkNYASINGLERhodes
End of Inning 1: OAK 0 -- NYA 3
Inning 2
3_____1F CrosettiNYASINGLERhodes
End of Inning 2: OAK 0 -- NYA 3
Inning 3
1_____1G RhodesOAKSINGLEPearson
3_____1B DickeyNYAWALKRhodes
End of Inning 3: OAK 0 -- NYA 3
Inning 4
1_____1B JohnsonOAKWALKPearson
3_____1M PearsonNYASINGLERhodes
End of Inning 4: OAK 0 -- NYA 3
Inning 5
2_____1G RhodesOAKSINGLEPearson
3__1_21Lou FinneyOAKSINGLEPearson
2_____1J DiMaggioNYASINGLERhodes
4__1_21B DickeyNYASINGLERhodes
End of Inning 5: OAK 0 -- NYA 3
Inning 6
1_____1B JohnsonOAKWALKPearson
2_____1D HeffnerNYAWALKRhodes
2__1_2_M PearsonNYAPASSED_BALLRhodes
4_2__21F CrosettiNYAWALKRhodes
End of Inning 6: OAK 0 -- NYA 3
Inning 7
2_____1Lou GehrigNYAWALKRhodes
4__1_21G SelkirkNYAWALKRhodes
End of Inning 7: OAK 0 -- NYA 3
Inning 8
3_____1F CrosettiNYASINGLERhodes
3__1___R JohnsonNYACAUGHT_SBRhodes
End of Inning 8: OAK 0 -- NYA 3
End of Game: OAK 0 -- NYA 3


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