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TmLine ScoreRTBHE
CHA110 701 1001112102
OAK340 400 201319150

Event Data for CHA OAK 1936-08-25

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PrevAfterBatterTmPlay EventRPitcher
Inning 1
1_____1R RadcliffCHAWALKFlythe
2__1_21L RosenthalCHAWALKFlythe
5_213_1L ApplingCHASINGLE1Flythe
2____2_W MosesOAKDOUBLECain
3_2___1C DeanOAKSINGLE1Cain
4__1_21B JohnsonOAKHIT_BY_PITCHCain
632__2_F HayesOAKDOUBLE2Cain
End of Inning 1: CHA 1 -- OAK 3
Inning 2
1_____1J DykesCHAWALKFlythe
2__1_2_Sugar CainCHASTOLEN_BASEFlythe
3_2__21Sugar CainCHAWALKFlythe
53_1321L RosenthalCHAWALKFlythe
6321321M KreevichCHAWALK1Flythe
1_____1Al NiemiecOAKERRORCain
2__1_21Stu FlytheOAKSINGLECain
3_21321Lou FinneyOAKSINGLECain
4321_21W MosesOAKOUT1Cain
5_21321C DeanOAKERRORCain
6321321B JohnsonOAKWALK1Cain
83213_1F HayesOAKSINGLE2Cain
83_1__1S NewsomeOAKCAUGHT_SBCain
End of Inning 2: CHA 2 -- OAK 7
Inning 3
2_____1J HayesCHAWALKFlythe
3__1_21J DykesCHAWALKFlythe
End of Inning 3: CHA 2 -- OAK 7
Inning 4
1_____1R RadcliffCHAWALKFlythe
2__1_21L RosenthalCHAWALKFlythe
3_21321M KreevichCHASINGLEFlythe
4321321Z BonuraCHAWALK1Flythe
5321321L ApplingCHAWALK1Bullock
63213_1J HayesCHASINGLE2Bullock
73_1321J DykesCHAWALKBullock
932132_B ShoresCHASINGLE2Gumpert
1032_3__R RadcliffCHAOUT1Gumpert
1____2_Lou FinneyOAKDOUBLEShores
2_2__21W MosesOAKWALKShores
3_213_1C DeanOAKSINGLE1Shores
43_13_1B JohnsonOAKSINGLE1Shores
53_13_1P HigginsOAKSINGLE1Stratton
63_1___F HayesOAKDBL_PLAY1Stratton
7_____1S NewsomeOAKSINGLEStratton
End of Inning 4: CHA 9 -- OAK 11
Inning 5
2_____1Z BonuraCHASINGLEGumpert
End of Inning 5: CHA 9 -- OAK 11
Inning 6
2_____1J DykesCHASINGLEGumpert
3__1_2_L SewellCHADOUBLE1Gumpert
End of Inning 6: CHA 10 -- OAK 11
Inning 7
1_____1L RosenthalCHASINGLEGumpert
2__132_M KreevichCHADOUBLEGumpert
432_3__L ApplingCHAOUT1Rhodes
1_____1F HayesOAKSINGLEStratton
3__132_Al NiemiecOAKDOUBLEStratton
432___1G RhodesOAKSINGLE2Stratton
6__1_21W MosesOAKSINGLEStratton
End of Inning 7: CHA 11 -- OAK 13
Inning 9
1_____1R RadcliffCHASINGLERhodes
End of Inning 9: CHA 11 -- OAK 13
End of Game: CHA 11 -- OAK 13


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