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TmLine ScoreRTBHE
MIN101 100 000315111
DET300 404 101226141

Event Data for MIN DET 1937-08-31

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PrevAfterBatterTmPlay EventRPitcher
Inning 1
1_____1Mel AlmadaMINSINGLELawson
4__13__John StoneMINSINGLE1Lawson
1____2_Gee WalkerDETDOUBLEAppleton
2_2_3__C GehringerDETSTOLEN_BASEAppleton
33__3_1C GehringerDETWALKAppleton
532____Rudy YorkDETHOME_RUN3Appleton
6_____1Chet LaabsDETWALKAppleton
End of Inning 1: MIN 1 -- DET 3
Inning 2
1_____1Buddy MyerMINSINGLELawson
End of Inning 2: MIN 1 -- DET 3
Inning 3
2_____1B LewisMINSINGLELawson
3__1_21C TravisMINWALKLawson
4_21321John StoneMINWALKLawson
53213_1Joe KuhelMINOUT1Lawson
2_____1C GehringerDETSINGLEAppleton
3__1_2_Rudy YorkDETSTOLEN_BASEAppleton
4_2__21Rudy YorkDETWALKAppleton
End of Inning 3: MIN 2 -- DET 3
Inning 4
1____2_Al SimmonsMINDOUBLELawson
43____1Mel AlmadaMINSINGLE1Lawson
4__1_2_B LewisMINBALKLawson
2_____1C GelbertDETWALKAppleton
3__132_R LawsonDETDOUBLEAppleton
532_321Pete FoxDETWALKAppleton
63213_1C GehringerDETSINGLE2Appleton
73_13_1H GreenbergDETSINGLE1Appleton
83_1_21Rudy YorkDETSINGLE1Appleton
End of Inning 4: MIN 3 -- DET 7
Inning 5
2_____1John StoneMINSINGLELawson
4__1_21Buddy MyerMINWALKLawson
End of Inning 5: MIN 3 -- DET 7
Inning 6
2_____1P AppletonMINSINGLELawson
2______Pete FoxDETHOME_RUN1Appleton
3_____1C GehringerDETWALKAppleton
4__132_H GreenbergDETSINGLEAppleton
532____Rudy YorkDETHOME_RUN3Appleton
End of Inning 6: MIN 3 -- DET 11
Inning 7
2_____1John StoneMINWALKLawson
3__1_21Joe KuhelMINSINGLELawson
5_21321F SingtonMINWALKLawson
1_____1C GelbertDETSINGLEAppleton
4_2___1Pete FoxDETSINGLE1Appleton
5__1_2_C GehringerDETDOUBLEAppleton
End of Inning 7: MIN 3 -- DET 12
Inning 8
3____2_B LewisMINDOUBLELawson
2_____1Rudy YorkDETSINGLEJacobs
3__1_21Chet LaabsDETWALKJacobs
End of Inning 8: MIN 3 -- DET 12
Inning 9
3___3__Buddy MyerMINTRIPLELawson
End of Inning 9: MIN 3 -- DET 12
End of Game: MIN 3 -- DET 12


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