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TmLine ScoreRTBHE
NYA061 231 5001831170
OAK022 000 000415104

Event Data for NYA OAK 1939-08-12

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PrevAfterBatterTmPlay EventRPitcher
Inning 1
0______F CrosettiNYAFOUL_BALL_ERRORJoyce
1_____1F CrosettiNYAWALKJoyce
3_____1C KellerNYASINGLEJoyce
4__1_21J DiMaggioNYAWALKJoyce
End of Inning 1: NYA 0 -- OAK 0
Inning 2
1_____1G SelkirkNYASINGLEJoyce
2__132_Joe GordonNYADOUBLEJoyce
332_3_1B DahlgrenNYASINGLE1Joyce
43_1_21O HildebrandNYASINGLE1Joyce
632_3_1Red RolfeNYASINGLE1Joyce
73_1_21C KellerNYASINGLE1Joyce
7_213__J DiMaggioNYAPASSED_BALL1Dean
83_____J DiMaggioNYAOUT1Dean
2____2_E TiptonOAKDOUBLEHildebrand
3_2___1J GantenbeinOAKSINGLE1Hildebrand
4__132_S NewsomeOAKDOUBLEHildebrand
532__2_D LodigianiOAKSAC_OUT1Hildebrand
End of Inning 2: NYA 6 -- OAK 2
Inning 3
2______Joe GordonNYAHOME_RUN1Dean
1______D SiebertOAKHOME_RUN1Hildebrand
2_____1W MosesOAKWALKHildebrand
3__1_21B JohnsonOAKSINGLEHildebrand
53_1321E TiptonOAKWALKHildebrand
6321_21J GantenbeinOAKSAC_OUT1Hildebrand
7_21321S NewsomeOAKWALKHildebrand
End of Inning 3: NYA 7 -- OAK 4
Inning 4
1_____1F CrosettiNYAHIT_BY_PITCHPotter
3_2__21C KellerNYAWALKPotter
4_21321J DiMaggioNYASINGLEPotter
63213_1G SelkirkNYASINGLE2Potter
2_____1D SiebertOAKSINGLESundra
4__1_21B JohnsonOAKWALKSundra
End of Inning 4: NYA 9 -- OAK 4
Inning 5
1____2_B DahlgrenNYASINGLEPotter
33_____F CrosettiNYASAC_OUT1Potter
4____2_Red RolfeNYADOUBLEPotter
5_2_3__C KellerNYATRIPLE1Potter
63____1J DiMaggioNYAERROR1Potter
7__1_21B DickeyNYAWALKPotter
3_____1S NewsomeOAKWALKSundra
End of Inning 5: NYA 12 -- OAK 4
Inning 6
2______B DahlgrenNYAHOME_RUN1Potter
4_____1F CrosettiNYAWALKPotter
End of Inning 6: NYA 13 -- OAK 4
Inning 7
2_____1J DiMaggioNYAHIT_BY_PITCHNelson
3__1_21B DickeyNYAWALKNelson
4_21321G SelkirkNYAERRORNelson
5321321Joe GordonNYAWALK1Nelson
6321___B DahlgrenNYAHOME_RUN4Nelson
8_____1F CrosettiNYASINGLENelson
9__132_Red RolfeNYADOUBLENelson
2_____1F HayesOAKSINGLESundra
4__13_1W AmblerOAKSINGLESundra
End of Inning 7: NYA 18 -- OAK 4
Inning 8
2_____1L NelsonOAKSINGLESundra
End of Inning 8: NYA 18 -- OAK 4
Inning 9
1_____1B JohnsonOAKWALKSundra
2__1_21E BruckerOAKSINGLESundra
End of Inning 9: NYA 18 -- OAK 4
End of Game: NYA 18 -- OAK 4


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