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TmLine ScoreRTBHE
PHI002 001 050815131
PIT400 001 13918140

Event Data for PHI PIT 1940-07-13

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PrevAfterBatterTmPlay EventRPitcher
Inning 1
3_____1H MuellerPHIWALKBrown
4__1_21J RizzoPHISINGLEBrown
2_____1F GustinePITWALKBlanton
3__1_2_B ElliottPITDOUBLE1Blanton
53__3_1E FletcherPITWALKBlanton
63_1_21M Van RobaysPITSINGLE1Blanton
7_21_2_V DiMaggioPITDOUBLE2Blanton
End of Inning 1: PHI 0 -- PIT 4
Inning 2
2_____1L HandleyPITSINGLEBlanton
2__1___F GustinePITCAUGHT_SBBlanton
End of Inning 2: PHI 0 -- PIT 4
Inning 3
1_____1Cy BlantonPHIWALKBrown
2__1_21Art MahanPHIWALKBrown
532___1J RizzoPHISINGLE2Brown
1______B ElliottPITSINGLEBlanton
End of Inning 3: PHI 2 -- PIT 4
Inning 4
3_____1B WarrenPHISINGLEBrown
2___3__V DiMaggioPITDOUBLEBlanton
End of Inning 4: PHI 2 -- PIT 4
Inning 5
3_____1H MuellerPHISINGLEBrown
End of Inning 5: PHI 2 -- PIT 4
Inning 6
1_____1C KleinPHIWALKBrown
2__13__Pinky MayPHISINGLEBrown
43____1B WarrenPHISINGLE1Brown
1_____1A VaughanPITSINGLE_BUNTBlanton
2__1_21E FletcherPITWALKBlanton
5_21_21Al LopezPITSINGLE1Blanton
End of Inning 6: PHI 3 -- PIT 5
Inning 7
2____2_F GustinePITDOUBLEBlanton
3_2___1B ElliottPITSINGLE1Blanton
3__1_2_A VaughanPITSTOLEN_BASEBlanton
End of Inning 7: PHI 3 -- PIT 6
Inning 8
1_____1J RizzoPHISINGLEBrown
1___3__C KleinPHIWILD_PITCHBrown
23____1C KleinPHISINGLE1Brown
3__1_21Pinky MayPHISINGLEBrown
4_21_21B BraganPHISINGLE1Klinger
6_213__M MazzeraPHITRIPLE2Klinger
8__1_21Joe MartyPHISINGLELanahan
9_21_21H MuellerPHISINGLE1Lanahan
1_____1M Van RobaysPITSINGLEJohnson
2__1_21V DiMaggioPITSINGLEJohnson
432_321Paul WanerPITI_WALKJohnson
53213_1Debs GarmsPITSINGLE2Johnson
63_1_21F GustinePITSINGLE1Pearson
End of Inning 8: PHI 8 -- PIT 9
End of Game: PHI 8 -- PIT 9


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