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TmLine ScoreRTBHE
NYA014 000 2121033131
CHA100 040 022921151

Event Data for NYA CHA 1940-07-28-1

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PrevAfterBatterTmPlay EventRPitcher
Inning 1
1____2_S WebbCHADOUBLERusso
4_2___1M SoltersCHASINGLE1Russo
End of Inning 1: NYA 0 -- CHA 1
Inning 2
3_____1B DickeyNYASINGLELyons
4__13__Joe GordonNYATRIPLE1Lyons
End of Inning 2: NYA 1 -- CHA 1
Inning 3
1_____1M RussoNYAWALKLyons
4__1_21T HenrichNYAWALKLyons
5_21___J DiMaggioNYAHOME_RUN3Lyons
6______C KellerNYAHOME_RUN1Lyons
7_____1B DickeyNYASINGLELyons
8__132_Joe GordonNYASINGLELyons
932_321B DahlgrenNYAI_WALKLyons
1_____1Ted LyonsCHASINGLERusso
4__1_21Joe KuhelCHAWALKRusso
End of Inning 3: NYA 5 -- CHA 1
Inning 5
3_____1B DickeyNYASINGLELyons
1_____1B KennedyCHASINGLERusso
1____2_Ted LyonsCHASTOLEN_BASERusso
3_2____S WebbCHAHOME_RUN2Russo
4_____1M KreevichCHASINGLERusso
5__13__Joe KuhelCHATRIPLE1Russo
73____1T WrightCHASINGLE1Russo
8__13_1L ApplingCHASINGLEHildebrand
End of Inning 5: NYA 5 -- CHA 5
Inning 6
3_____1S WebbCHASINGLEHildebrand
End of Inning 6: NYA 5 -- CHA 5
Inning 7
3_____1J DiMaggioNYASINGLELyons
4__1___C KellerNYAHOME_RUN2Lyons
5_____1B DickeyNYASINGLELyons
2_____1M SoltersCHAWALKHildebrand
4__13_1L ApplingCHASINGLEHildebrand
43_132_Mike TreshCHASTOLEN_BASEHildebrand
End of Inning 7: NYA 7 -- CHA 5
Inning 8
1______B DahlgrenNYAHOME_RUN1Lyons
1_____1B KennedyCHAERRORHildebrand
3__1_21S WebbCHASINGLEHildebrand
4_21321M KreevichCHAWALKHildebrand
5321321Joe KuhelCHAWALK1Hildebrand
6321_21M SoltersCHAOUT1Murphy
End of Inning 8: NYA 8 -- CHA 7
Inning 9
2______J DiMaggioNYAHOME_RUN1Dietrich
3______C KellerNYAHOME_RUN1Dietrich
1_____1L ApplingCHASINGLEMurphy
2__13_1Mike TreshCHASINGLEMurphy
33_1_2_B KennedyCHAOUT1Murphy
5_2___1S WebbCHASINGLE1Murphy
End of Inning 9: NYA 10 -- CHA 9
End of Game: NYA 10 -- CHA 9


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