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TmLine ScoreRTBHE
ATL000 200 001 141591
CHN020 100 000 0320100

Event Data for ATL CHN 1941-06-21

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PrevAfterBatterTmPlay EventRPitcher
Inning 1
1_____1W WietelmannATLWALKLee
2__132_J CooneyATLDOUBLELee
432_321Paul WanerATLWALKLee
0321___Stan HackCHNFOUL_BALL_ERRORJohnson
2_____1B SturgeonCHNWALKJohnson
End of Inning 1: ATL 0 -- CHN 0
Inning 2
1______B NicholsonCHNHOME_RUN1Johnson
3______B DahlgrenCHNHOME_RUN1Johnson
4_____1C McCulloughCHNSINGLEJohnson
End of Inning 2: ATL 0 -- CHN 2
Inning 3
1_____1Stan HackCHNWALKJohnson
3_____1P CavarrettaCHNWALKJohnson
End of Inning 3: ATL 0 -- CHN 2
Inning 4
1_____1Paul WanerATLSINGLELee
2__1_21Gene MooreATLSINGLELee
43_132_S SistiATLDOUBLE1Lee
532__2_Ray BerresATLOUT1Lee
2____2_B DahlgrenCHNDOUBLEJohnson
3_2__2_C McCulloughCHNDOUBLE1Johnson
End of Inning 4: ATL 2 -- CHN 3
Inning 5
2_____1J CooneyATLSINGLELee
3____2_P CavarrettaCHNDOUBLEJohnson
End of Inning 5: ATL 2 -- CHN 3
Inning 6
1_____1Paul WanerATLSINGLELee
3_____1C McCulloughCHNWALKJohnson
3__1_2_L StringerCHNSTOLEN_BASEJohnson
End of Inning 6: ATL 2 -- CHN 3
Inning 7
3_____1W WietelmannATLSINGLELee
3_____1B SturgeonCHNSINGLEJohnson
4__1_21P CavarrettaCHNWALKJohnson
End of Inning 7: ATL 2 -- CHN 3
Inning 8
3_____1C McCulloughCHNSINGLEJohnson
3__1___L StringerCHNCAUGHT_SBJohnson
End of Inning 8: ATL 2 -- CHN 3
Inning 9
2______Max WestATLHOME_RUN1Lee
3_____1Phil MasiATLWALKLee
1_____1L StringerCHNWALKJohnson
End of Inning 9: ATL 3 -- CHN 3
Inning 10
3_____1Paul WanerATLWALKLee
4__1_2_Gene MooreATLDOUBLE1Lee
5_2__21B RowellATLI_WALKLee
2_____1B NicholsonCHNSINGLEJohnson
4__132_B DahlgrenCHNDOUBLESalvo
532_321D DallessandroCHNI_WALKSalvo
End of Inning 10: ATL 4 -- CHN 3
End of Game: ATL 4 -- CHN 3


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