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TmLine ScoreRTBHE
CHA000 000 13041492
NYA300 321 301221140

Event Data for CHA NYA 1947-07-25

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PrevAfterBatterTmPlay EventRPitcher
Inning 1
1_____1S StirnweissNYAWALKGillespie
3__1___Yogi BerraNYAHOME_RUN2Gillespie
4_____1J DiMaggioNYAWALKGillespie
5__13_1G McQuinnNYASINGLEGillespie
63_1__1B BrownNYAFORCE_OUT1Gillespie
6__1_2_J LindellNYAWILD_PITCHGillespie
End of Inning 1: CHA 0 -- NYA 3
Inning 2
3_____1S StirnweissNYASINGLEGillespie
End of Inning 2: CHA 0 -- NYA 3
Inning 3
2_____1Mike TreshCHASINGLEReynolds
2_____1J DiMaggioNYASINGLEGillespie
3__1_21G McQuinnNYAWALKGillespie
End of Inning 3: CHA 0 -- NYA 3
Inning 4
2_____1P RizzutoNYASINGLEGillespie
2__1_2_A ReynoldsNYASTOLEN_BASEGillespie
3_2__21A ReynoldsNYAWALKGillespie
4_2132_S StirnweissNYADOUBLE1Gillespie
532__2_T HenrichNYASINGLE2Grove
End of Inning 4: CHA 0 -- NYA 6
Inning 5
2_____1B KennedyCHAWALKReynolds
2_____1B BrownNYAWALKGrove
3__13__J LindellNYASINGLE1Grove
43_____P RizzutoNYAOUT1Grove
End of Inning 5: CHA 0 -- NYA 8
Inning 6
2_____1F BakerCHAWALKReynolds
2_____1T HenrichNYASINGLEGrove
4__1_21J DiMaggioNYAWALKGrove
5_21_21G McQuinnNYASINGLE1Grove
End of Inning 6: CHA 0 -- NYA 9
Inning 7
1______Rudy YorkCHAHOME_RUN1Reynolds
2_____1D PhilleyCHASINGLEReynolds
3__1_2_D KollowayCHAWILD_PITCHReynolds
5_2_3_1Mike TreshCHASINGLEReynolds
1___3__J LindellNYATRIPLESmith
33____1A ReynoldsNYASINGLE1Smith
3__1_2_S StirnweissNYAPASSED_BALLSmith
4_2__21S StirnweissNYAWALKSmith
6_213__Yogi BerraNYASINGLE2Smith
End of Inning 7: CHA 1 -- NYA 12
Inning 8
1_____1F BakerCHAWALKReynolds
1____2_L ApplingCHAPASSED_BALLReynolds
2_2__2_L ApplingCHADOUBLE1Reynolds
3_2_3_1T WrightCHASINGLEReynolds
43_1_21Rudy YorkCHASINGLE1Reynolds
5_21_21D PhilleyCHASINGLE1Reynolds
8_21321Mike TreshCHAWALKReynolds
1____2_G McQuinnNYADOUBLECaldwell
End of Inning 8: CHA 4 -- NYA 12
Inning 9
1____2_F BakerCHADOUBLEReynolds
4_2__21Rudy YorkCHAWALKReynolds
End of Inning 9: CHA 4 -- NYA 12
End of Game: CHA 4 -- NYA 12


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