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TmLine ScoreRTBHE
DET001 040 0061121190
OAK000 000 0000651

Event Data for DET OAK 1949-07-30

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PrevAfterBatterTmPlay EventRPitcher
Inning 1
0______D KollowayDETFOUL_BALL_ERRORColeman
2_____1G KellDETSINGLEColeman
2__1_2_Pat MullinDETSTOLEN_BASEColeman
1_____1E JoostOAKSINGLETrucks
End of Inning 1: DET 0 -- OAK 0
Inning 2
2_____1A RobinsonDETSINGLEColeman
4__1_21Neil BerryDETSINGLEColeman
End of Inning 2: DET 0 -- OAK 0
Inning 3
1_____1D KollowayDETWALKColeman
4_2___1Vic WertzDETSINGLE1Coleman
2_____1M GuerraOAKSINGLETrucks
End of Inning 3: DET 1 -- OAK 0
Inning 4
1_____1A RobinsonDETSINGLEColeman
2__13_1J LiponDETSINGLEColeman
2_____1Elmer ValoOAKSINGLETrucks
End of Inning 4: DET 1 -- OAK 0
Inning 5
1_____1D KollowayDETSINGLEColeman
3__1_21Pat MullinDETSINGLEColeman
4_21321Vic WertzDETWALKColeman
5321_21J GrothDETSINGLE2Coleman
732___1J LiponDETSINGLE2Shantz
8__1_21Neil BerryDETSINGLEShantz
1_____1H MajeskiOAKSINGLETrucks
3_____1W MosesOAKWALKTrucks
End of Inning 5: DET 5 -- OAK 0
Inning 8
2_____1Neil BerryDETSINGLEHarris
2____2_W MosesOAKDOUBLETrucks
End of Inning 8: DET 5 -- OAK 0
Inning 9
1_____1D KollowayDETSINGLEHarris
2__1_21G KellDETSINGLEHarris
3_213__Pat MullinDETTRIPLE2Harris
43____1Vic WertzDETSINGLE1Harris
6_2___1A RobinsonDETSINGLE1Harris
7__1_21J LiponDETWALKHarris
8_21_21Neil BerryDETSINGLE1Harris
10_21_21D KollowayDETSINGLE1Harris
3_____1Elmer ValoOAKWALKTrucks
3__1_2_H BiasattiOAKDEF_INTTrucks
End of Inning 9: DET 11 -- OAK 0
End of Game: DET 11 -- OAK 0


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