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TmLine ScoreRTBHE
MIN021 001 020618112
OAK040 040 10916104

Event Data for MIN OAK 1977-04-10-1

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PrevAfterBatterTmPlay EventRPitcher
Inning 1
2_____1R SmalleyMINWALKMedich
2_____1Rod ScottOAKWALKRedfern
3__1_2_M PageOAKSINGLERedfern
End of Inning 1: MIN 0 -- OAK 0
Inning 2
1_____1L BostockMINSINGLEMedich
1____2_L HisleMINSTOLEN_BASEMedich
2_2___1L HisleMINSINGLE1Medich
3__132_Dan FordMINDOUBLEMedich
332__2_C KusickMINCAUGHT_SBMedich
5_2__21M CubbageMINI_WALKMedich
1____2_M SanguillenOAKDOUBLERedfern
2_2__2_W GrossOAKDOUBLE1Redfern
3_2___1E WilliamsOAKSINGLE1Redfern
6__1_21Bill NorthOAKSINGLERedfern
7_21321Rod ScottOAKWALKRedfern
8321_21M PageOAKERROR2Redfern
8_21__1Dick AllenOAKCAUGHT_SBRedfern
End of Inning 2: MIN 1 -- OAK 4
Inning 3
2_____1Rod CarewMINSINGLEMedich
3__132_L BostockMINDOUBLEMedich
432_3__L HisleMINSAC_OUT1Medich
53__3_1Dan FordMINWALKMedich
63_1321C KusickMINWALKMedich
End of Inning 3: MIN 2 -- OAK 4
Inning 5
1____2_Rod CarewMINDOUBLEMedich
2_2__21L BostockMINWALKMedich
2____2_Rod ScottOAKERRORRedfern
4_2__2_Dick AllenOAKDOUBLE1Redfern
5_2___1M SanguillenOAKSINGLE1Redfern
6__1___W GrossOAKHOME_RUN2Redfern
End of Inning 5: MIN 2 -- OAK 8
Inning 6
2_____1M CubbageMINSINGLEMedich
43_13_1B WynegarMINERROR1Medich
End of Inning 6: MIN 3 -- OAK 8
Inning 7
3_____1Dan FordMINWALKMedich
2_____1M PageOAKSINGLECarrithers
2__1_2_Dick AllenOAKSTOLEN_BASECarrithers
3_2___1Dick AllenOAKSINGLE1Carrithers
5__1_21W GrossOAKWALKCarrithers
6_21321E WilliamsOAKHIT_BY_PITCHCarrithers
End of Inning 7: MIN 3 -- OAK 9
Inning 8
1____2_M CubbageMINDOUBLEMedich
43_____J TerrellMINHOME_RUN2Medich
5_____1Rod CarewMINSINGLEMedich
End of Inning 8: MIN 5 -- OAK 9
Inning 9
1_____1L HisleMINWALKTorrealba
3__1_21C KusickMINSINGLETorrealba
End of Inning 9: MIN 5 -- OAK 9
End of Game: MIN 5 -- OAK 9


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