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TmLine ScoreRTBHE
MIL010 100 5211021151
KCA000 201 02051193

Event Data for MIL KCA 1980-06-20

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PrevAfterBatterTmPlay EventRPitcher
Inning 1
1_____1W WilsonKCASINGLEHaas
1____2_F WhiteKCASTOLEN_BASEHaas
End of Inning 1: MIL 0 -- KCA 0
Inning 2
2_____1B OglivieMILSINGLELeonard
4__13_1G ThomasMILSINGLELeonard
53_1_21J GantnerMILERROR1Leonard
1_____1Hal McRaeKCAERRORHaas
End of Inning 2: MIL 1 -- KCA 0
Inning 3
1_____1C MooreMILSINGLELeonard
End of Inning 3: MIL 1 -- KCA 0
Inning 4
1____2_B OglivieMILDOUBLELeonard
1___3__S LezcanoMILWILD_PITCHLeonard
23__3_1S LezcanoMILWALKLeonard
33_1_21G ThomasMILSINGLE1Leonard
2_____1W AikensKCAWALKHaas
4__1_21Amos OtisKCAWALKHaas
5_21_21C HurdleKCASINGLE1Haas
6_213_1J QuirkKCASINGLE1Haas
End of Inning 4: MIL 2 -- KCA 2
Inning 6
1_____1Dick DavisMILSINGLELeonard
3_2__21S LezcanoMILHIT_BY_PITCHLeonard
1_____1W AikensKCASINGLEHaas
2__1_21Hal McRaeKCASINGLEHaas
4_2132_C HurdleKCASINGLE1Haas
End of Inning 6: MIL 2 -- KCA 3
Inning 7
1_____1Ed RomeroMILSINGLELeonard
2__1_21C MooreMILERRORLeonard
432_321C CooperMILI_WALKLeonard
5321_2_Dick DavisMILDOUBLE3Leonard
6_2__21B OglivieMILI_WALKLeonard
7_213_1S LezcanoMILSINGLE1Leonard
73_1_2_G ThomasMILSTOLEN_BASE1Pattin
End of Inning 7: MIL 7 -- KCA 3
Inning 8
3____2_Don MoneyMILDOUBLEPattin
4_2__2_C CooperMILDOUBLE1Pattin
5_2_3__Dick DavisMILTRIPLE1Pattin
1_____1D PorterKCAWALKCastro
2__1_2_W AikensKCADOUBLE1Castro
4_2_3_1Amos OtisKCASINGLECastro
43_1_2_C HurdleKCAWILD_PITCH1Castro
End of Inning 8: MIL 9 -- KCA 5
Inning 9
3_____1J GantnerMILSINGLEPattin
4__1_21Ed RomeroMILSINGLEPattin
5_21_21C MooreMILSINGLE1Pattin
2____2_W WilsonKCADOUBLECastro
End of Inning 9: MIL 10 -- KCA 5
End of Game: MIL 10 -- KCA 5


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