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TmLine ScoreRTBHE
MIN001 500 00061281
TOR100 000 70821130

Event Data for MIN TOR 1987-07-24

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PrevAfterBatterTmPlay EventRPitcher
Inning 1
1_____1T FernandezTORSINGLESmithson
1____2_L MosebyTORSTOLEN_BASESmithson
2_2__21L MosebyTORWALKSmithson
3_21_21J BarfieldTORSINGLE1Smithson
End of Inning 1: MIN 0 -- TOR 1
Inning 3
1____2_T BrunanskyMINDOUBLENunez
2_2_3_1Greg GagneMINSINGLENunez
33_1___Sal ButeraMINDBL_PLAY1Nunez
1_____1Garth IorgTORSINGLESmithson
End of Inning 3: MIN 1 -- TOR 1
Inning 4
2_____1K PuckettMINWALKNunez
3__13_1Kent HrbekMINSINGLENunez
43_132_G GaettiMINDOUBLE1Nunez
632_321T BrunanskyMINI_WALKNunez
732132_Greg GagneMINDOUBLE2Nunez
832__2_Sal ButeraMINDOUBLE2Eichhorn
3_____1E WhittTORSINGLESmithson
4__132_F McGriffTORSINGLESmithson
End of Inning 4: MIN 6 -- TOR 1
Inning 5
1_____1Garth IorgTORHIT_BY_PITCHSmithson
2__132_T FernandezTORDOUBLESmithson
End of Inning 5: MIN 6 -- TOR 1
Inning 6
2_____1R SmalleyMINSINGLEEichhorn
1_____1R MulliniksTORSINGLEAtherton
End of Inning 6: MIN 6 -- TOR 1
Inning 7
3_____1Al NewmanMINSINGLEEichhorn
3__1_2_K PuckettMINSTOLEN_BASEEichhorn
2_____1T FernandezTORSINGLEAtherton
3__1_21L MosebyTORWALKAtherton
4_21321J BarfieldTORSINGLEAtherton
5321_21G BellTORSAC_OUT1Atherton
6_21___J BeniquezTORHOME_RUN3Schatzeder
7_____1C MooreTORWALKSchatzeder
8__13_1W UpshawTORSINGLEReardon
93_1___Rick LeachTORHOME_RUN3Reardon
End of Inning 7: MIN 6 -- TOR 8
Inning 8
2____2_L MosebyTORDOUBLEFrazier
3_2__21J BarfieldTORWALKFrazier
3__1_2_G BellTORWILD_PITCHFrazier
4_2__21G BellTORI_WALKFrazier
End of Inning 8: MIN 6 -- TOR 8
End of Game: MIN 6 -- TOR 8


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