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TmLine ScoreRTBHE
BOS022 100 000520100
TOR010 100 00131360

Event Data for BOS TOR 1992-06-13

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PrevAfterBatterTmPlay EventRPitcher
Inning 2
2______E BurksBOSHOME_RUN1Stottlemyre
3______P PlantierBOSHOME_RUN1Stottlemyre
5_____1Tony PenaBOSSINGLEStottlemyre
6__1_21S CooperBOSSINGLEStottlemyre
1______D WinfieldTORHOME_RUN1Hesketh
End of Inning 2: BOS 2 -- TOR 1
Inning 3
1_____1L RiveraBOSSINGLEStottlemyre
3__1___M GreenwellBOSHOME_RUN2Stottlemyre
3____2_D WhiteTORSINGLEHesketh
3_2_3__Jeff KentTORSTOLEN_BASEHesketh
End of Inning 3: BOS 4 -- TOR 1
Inning 4
3____2_S CooperBOSDOUBLEStottlemyre
4_2__21H WinninghamBOSWALKStottlemyre
5_213_1L RiveraBOSSINGLE1Stottlemyre
63_1321Wade BoggsBOSWALKStottlemyre
1______Joe CarterTORHOME_RUN1Hesketh
End of Inning 4: BOS 5 -- TOR 2
Inning 5
2_____1P PlantierBOSSINGLEWells
End of Inning 5: BOS 5 -- TOR 2
Inning 6
1_____1S CooperBOSSINGLEWells
End of Inning 6: BOS 5 -- TOR 2
Inning 7
2_____1M GreenwellBOSHIT_BY_PITCHWells
1_____1D WinfieldTORWALKHesketh
3__13_1Pat TablerTORSINGLEHesketh
End of Inning 7: BOS 5 -- TOR 2
Inning 9
2_____1L RiveraBOSWALKHenke
3_____1K GruberTORSINGLEReardon
4__1_2_J OlerudTORDOUBLE1Reardon
End of Inning 9: BOS 5 -- TOR 3
End of Game: BOS 5 -- TOR 3


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