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TmLine ScoreRTBHE
MIL000 030 0003750
BOS210 010 1051391

Event Data for MIL BOS 1995-09-19

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PrevAfterBatterTmPlay EventRPitcher
Inning 1
1_____1D HoseyBOSWALKSparks
2__1_2_J ValentinBOSDOUBLE1Sparks
3_2___1Mo VaughnBOSSINGLE1Sparks
End of Inning 1: MIL 0 -- BOS 2
Inning 2
2____2_B HaselmanBOSDOUBLESparks
3_2__2_C RodriguezBOSDOUBLE1Sparks
End of Inning 2: MIL 0 -- BOS 3
Inning 4
3_____1K SeitzerMILERROREshelman
4__1_21John JahaMILWALKEshelman
End of Inning 4: MIL 0 -- BOS 3
Inning 5
1_____1Joe OliverMILWALKEshelman
2__132_B SurhoffMILDOUBLEEshelman
332_3__M MathenyMILOUT1Eshelman
43__3_1M LorettaMILWALKEshelman
63_1321J CirilloMILWALKEshelman
73213_1K SeitzerMILSINGLE2Eshelman
2____2_J ValentinBOSDOUBLESparks
4_2_3_1J CansecoBOSSINGLESparks
53_1_21M GreenwellBOSSTRIKEOUT1Sparks
End of Inning 5: MIL 3 -- BOS 4
Inning 6
3_____1B SurhoffMILSINGLEEshelman
4__132_M MathenyMILDOUBLEEshelman
3_____1C RodriguezBOSWALKSparks
3__1_2_D HoseyBOSPASSED_BALLSparks
End of Inning 6: MIL 3 -- BOS 4
Inning 7
1_____1J ValentinBOSWALKSparks
1____2_Mo VaughnBOSPASSED_BALLSparks
2_2_3_1Mo VaughnBOSSINGLESparks
33_1_21J CansecoBOSSINGLE1Sparks
4_21321M GreenwellBOSWALKMiranda
End of Inning 7: MIL 3 -- BOS 5
Inning 8
2_____1M MieskeMILSINGLESuppan
3_____1J ValentinBOSSINGLEMiranda
End of Inning 8: MIL 3 -- BOS 5
End of Game: MIL 3 -- BOS 5


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