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TmLine ScoreRTBHE
COL520 010 3001124160
SDN000 000 00001294

Event Data for COL SDN 2000-09-13

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PrevAfterBatterTmPlay EventRPitcher
Inning 1
1_____1J PierreCOLSINGLEEaton
2__1_21N PerezCOLSINGLEEaton
5_21321J HammondsCOLSINGLEEaton
532132_T WalkerCOLPASSED_BALL1Eaton
632_321T WalkerCOLWALKEaton
7321___T HollandsworthCOLHOME_RUN4Eaton
8_____1B MayneCOLERROREaton
9__1_21B BohanonCOLSINGLEEaton
3_____1R KleskoSDNSINGLEBohanon
End of Inning 1: COL 5 -- SDN 0
Inning 2
2_____1J CirilloCOLSINGLEEaton
4__1_21J HammondsCOLSINGLEEaton
5_21___T WalkerCOLDOUBLE2Eaton
1____2_W GonzalezSDNDOUBLEBohanon
End of Inning 2: COL 7 -- SDN 0
Inning 3
1_____1Adam EatonSDNSINGLEBohanon
End of Inning 3: COL 7 -- SDN 0
Inning 4
2_____1W GonzalezSDNSINGLEBohanon
4_2__21R RiveraSDNWALKBohanon
End of Inning 4: COL 7 -- SDN 0
Inning 5
3____2_T WalkerCOLDOUBLEEaton
4_2_3_1T HollandsworthCOLSINGLEEaton
53_1_21B MayneCOLSINGLE1Eaton
3_____1D RelafordSDNWALKBohanon
End of Inning 5: COL 8 -- SDN 0
Inning 6
3_____1J CirilloCOLHIT_BY_PITCHErdos
4__13_1T HeltonCOLERRORErdos
53_1321J HammondsCOLWALKErdos
3_____1Mike DarrSDNSINGLEBohanon
4__132_R RiveraSDNDOUBLEBohanon
End of Inning 6: COL 8 -- SDN 0
Inning 7
1______T HollandsworthCOLHOME_RUN1Erdos
2_____1B MayneCOLSINGLEErdos
4__1_21J PierreCOLHIT_BY_PITCHErdos
632___1J CirilloCOLSINGLE2Erdos
7__1_21A MelhuseCOLERRORDavey
1_____1G AlvarezSDNSINGLEBohanon
4__1_21G WilliamsSDNSINGLEBohanon
End of Inning 7: COL 11 -- SDN 0
Inning 8
3_____1B MayneCOLSINGLEDavey
End of Inning 8: COL 11 -- SDN 0
Inning 9
3_____1J CirilloCOLSINGLECunnane
1____2_G LaRoccaSDNDOUBLEBohanon
3_2__21J VitielloSDNWALKBohanon
End of Inning 9: COL 11 -- SDN 0
End of Game: COL 11 -- SDN 0


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