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1929-08-27 Top 25 Players WAA Data Model

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+001+ 11.13Hack WilsonCHNCF-OF
+002+ 10.81Lefty GroveOAKPITCH
+003+ 10.31Rogers HornsbyCHN2B
+004+ 10.26Babe RuthNYAOF-RF-LF
+005+ 10.04Mel OttSFNOF-RF
+006+ 8.90Al SimmonsOAKLF-OF
+007+ 8.22Burleigh GrimesPITPITCH
+008+ 8.15Jim BottomleySLN1B
+009+ 7.79Jimmie FoxxOAK1B
+010+ 7.51Chuck KleinPHIOF-RF-CF
+011+ 7.39Guy BushCHNPITCH
+012+ 7.33Harry HeilmannDETOF-RF
+013+ 7.24Lefty O'DoulPHIOF-LF-RF
+014+ 6.71Chick HafeySLNLF-OF
+015+ 6.53Red LucasCINPITCH
+016+ 6.44Tommy ThomasCHAPITCH
+017+ 6.43Dale AlexanderDET1B
+018+ 6.28George GranthamPIT2B-LF-OF-1B
+019+ 5.78Danny MacFaydenBOSPITCH
+020+ 5.75Rube WalbergOAKPITCH
+021+ 5.61Lou GehrigNYA1B
+022+ 5.43George EarnshawOAKPITCH
+023+ 5.38Charlie GehringerDET2B
+024+ 5.31Riggs StephensonCHNLF-OF
+025+ 5.20Pie TraynorPIT3B


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