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TmLine ScoreRTBHE
CHA010 101 100416106
MIN700 030 001014110

Event Data for CHA MIN 1945-09-10-1

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PrevAfterBatterTmPlay EventRPitcher
Inning 1
1_____1G CaseMINERRORLee
2__1_21B LewisMINSINGLELee
4321321Joe KuhelMINWALK1Lee
53213_1H CliftMINOUT1Lee
63_1321F VaughnMINWALKLee
73213__M GuerraMINTRIPLE3Lee
83____1Gil TorresMINSINGLE1Lee
9__1_2_D LeonardMINSINGLE1Lee
11_2_3_1B LewisMINERRORLee
End of Inning 1: CHA 0 -- MIN 7
Inning 2
1____2_G CurtrightCHADOUBLELeonard
33_____T CuccinelloCHAOUT1Leonard
4_____1F BakerCHASINGLELeonard
1_____1Joe KuhelMINSINGLERoss
End of Inning 2: CHA 1 -- MIN 7
Inning 3
1_____1M GuerraMINSINGLERoss
End of Inning 3: CHA 1 -- MIN 7
Inning 4
1___3__J DickshotCHATRIPLELeonard
23__3_1G CurtrightCHAWALKLeonard
33_1__1L ApplingCHAFORCE_OUT1Leonard
End of Inning 4: CHA 2 -- MIN 7
Inning 5
2_____1Buck RossCHASINGLELeonard
2_____1F VaughnMINERRORRoss
3__1_21M GuerraMINSINGLERoss
532__2_D LeonardMINSINGLE2Ross
6_2____G CaseMINSINGLE1Ross
End of Inning 5: CHA 2 -- MIN 10
Inning 6
1_____1J DickshotCHASINGLELeonard
2__132_G CurtrightCHADOUBLELeonard
53_1_21F BakerCHASINGLE1Leonard
6_21321V CastinoCHAWALKLeonard
3____2_Joe KuhelMINDOUBLERoss
End of Inning 6: CHA 3 -- MIN 10
Inning 7
1_____1W MosesCHASINGLELeonard
4__13__G CurtrightCHATRIPLE1Leonard
1_____1F VaughnMINWALKRoss
End of Inning 7: CHA 4 -- MIN 10
Inning 8
3_____1V CastinoCHASINGLELeonard
2_____1B LewisMINSINGLERoss
3__1_21M KreevichMINWALKRoss
End of Inning 8: CHA 4 -- MIN 10
End of Game: CHA 4 -- MIN 10


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