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TmLine ScoreRTBHE
WAS002 000 00021081
TOR025 101 00920130

Event Data for WAS TOR 1999-06-06

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PrevAfterBatterTmPlay EventRPitcher
Inning 1
2_____1R McGuireWASWALKEscobar
3__1_21R WhiteWASSINGLEEscobar
3_____1C DelgadoTORWALKHermanson
End of Inning 1: WAS 0 -- TOR 0
Inning 2
1_____1V GuerreroWASWALKEscobar
1______D FletcherTORHOME_RUN1Hermanson
2_____1W OtanezTORSINGLEHermanson
3__1_21Jose CruzTORSINGLEHermanson
532__2_J BrumfieldTORSAC_OUT1Hermanson
5_2_3__S StewartTORWILD_PITCHHermanson
End of Inning 2: WAS 0 -- TOR 2
Inning 3
1_____1S AndrewsWASWALKEscobar
3__1_21M MartinezWASSINGLEEscobar
5_21_21R WhiteWASSINGLE1Escobar
6_2132_Jose VidroWASDOUBLE1Escobar
1____2_C GrebeckTORSINGLEHermanson
2_2_32_C DelgadoTORSINGLEHermanson
332__2_T FernandezTORDOUBLE2Hermanson
4_2___1D FletcherTORSINGLE1Hermanson
5__1_21W OtanezTORHIT_BY_PITCHHermanson
732___1Homer BushTORSINGLE1Smart
7__1_2_J BrumfieldTORSTOLEN_BASESmart
8_2___1J BrumfieldTORSINGLE1Smart
End of Inning 3: WAS 2 -- TOR 7
Inning 4
3_____1S AndrewsWASWALKEscobar
3______T FernandezTORHOME_RUN1Smart
End of Inning 4: WAS 2 -- TOR 8
Inning 5
2____2_R McGuireWASDOUBLEEscobar
1_____1W OtanezTORWALKSmart
End of Inning 5: WAS 2 -- TOR 8
Inning 6
2_____1O MercedWASSINGLEEscobar
1_____1S StewartTORSINGLEMota
1____2_C GrebeckTORSTOLEN_BASEMota
2_2_3_1C GrebeckTORSINGLEMota
33_1__1C DelgadoTORSAC_OUT1Mota
4__1_21T FernandezTORSINGLEMota
End of Inning 6: WAS 2 -- TOR 9
Inning 7
1_____1S AndrewsWASSINGLEEscobar
2__1_21O CabreraWASSINGLEEscobar
End of Inning 7: WAS 2 -- TOR 9
Inning 8
3_____1V GuerreroWASWALKEscobar
1_____1S StewartTORWALKAyala
2__1_21C GrebeckTORWALKAyala
End of Inning 8: WAS 2 -- TOR 9
End of Game: WAS 2 -- TOR 9


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